1704064099 Francois Legault must call for a ceasefire in Gaza says

François Legault must call for a ceasefire in Gaza, says Ruba Ghazal –

Mercier MP Ruba Ghazal expressed her wish that Prime Minister François Legault would request a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip in 2024.

• Also read: [VIDÉO] MP moved to tears: Not supporting a ceasefire is a “disgrace,” says Bouazzi

In a publication on the social network

“My wish to François Legault is to include the call for a ceasefire in Gaza in his list of resolutions for 2023. This will be a great contribution from Quebec to peace! Happy New Year 2024, peace, health, love,” she emphasized in the middle of the afternoon.

François Legault's political party refuses to support calls for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

Last November, members of the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) rejected a motion by Québec solidaire (QS) that called for a ceasefire in the Palestinian enclave, which has been shelled by Israel since the Hamas attack on October 7.

Surprised by the CAQ's refusal, Maurice-Richard's deputy, Haroun Bouazzi, burst into tears during a press conference at the National Assembly.

In mid-December, Quebec refused to follow Ottawa's lead, while Canada voted for an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire” at the United Nations.