New Year's Eve fireworks in Santos changes due to tidal conditions

As the Civil Defense of Santos warned this Sunday (31), the cold front hitting the region caused high tides and rough seas with waves up to three meters high. Such conditions made it difficult to position the ferries for the fireworks display planned for New Year's Eve on the Santos coast. Therefore, the company responsible for the event has only repositioned six of the ten ships originally planned.

The six ferries were anchored between Channels 3 and 6 the area where the tide provides stable conditions for setting off fireworks. The Civil Defense explains that, according to the Hydrodynamic Research Center of the University of Santa Cecília (NPHUnisanta), this Sunday the direction of the waves changed and reached with greater intensity the southern direction of the Santos coast, creating the band between channel 4 and the submarine mouth, which is not possible for anchored ferries.

Due to the change in tide, the ships had to be repositioned. It is worth mentioning that the activation of the artifacts is carried out remotely via satellite, completely eliminating the need for specialists to be present on the ferries. The same weather conditions that affected the sea in Santos also hindered the holding of other pyrotechnic shows in Baixada Santista.


On the Santos coast, the show time 14 minutes will be maintained on these six ferries, depending on sea conditions at midnight. The ships were anchored a safe distance from the sand to ensure peace and safety for the public.

The show features synchronized effects, unprecedented hues and luminosity, as well as the traditional shapes of hearts, stars, circles and happy faces, as well as multiple effects that create combined designs of rings and shooting stars.

Musical attractions are also maintained. The Santos Municipal Symphony Orchestra (OSMS) will perform and pay tribute to Rita Lee on the stage set up on Gonzaga Beach starting at 10 p.m.

Under the direction of conductor Luís Gustavo Petri, OSMS, Beto Lee and his band, singer Débora Reis and special guest Paula Lima will perform a magnificent show of classics from the queen of Brazilian rock. After midnight, Paula Lima returns to the stage as a guest, this time from the band Feel Good, which also includes Monna and Gibi Wagner.

New Year's Eve 2024 is sponsored by Terracom, Ecovias, Grupo Mendes and BTP, supported by the Santos Convention & Visitors Bureau.

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