Soap opera Fuzue Summary of chapters for the week of

Soap opera Fuzuê: Summary of chapters for the week of January 8th to 13th. TV news

Monday, August 1st (Chapter 127)
Luna is surprised by Nero's invitation. Pascoal finds out that Miguel and Merreca were after Sabrina. Luna thinks about Nero's suggestion. César finds Maria Navalha's treatment strange and tries to manipulate her. Pascoal and Preciosa are worried about Sabrina's threat.

Lampião thinks about meeting Mercedes. Miguel presents the Golden Lady inventory certificate to Luna and Maria Navalha. Cecília returns from her trip and tells Miguel about the accident that almost killed César. Merreca gets Sabrina's address.

Julião photographs the Golden Lady's inventory certificate without Maria Navalha noticing. César demands that Pascoal confirm his and Preciosa's involvement in the sabotage against Luna. Merreca catches Preciosa giving money to Sabrina.

Tuesday, September 1st (Chapter 128)
Merreca questions Preciosa about the payment to Sabrina. Jefinho suggests Selena to be kind to Luna. Sabrina confirms to Merreca that it was Pascoal who hired her. Pascoal tries to make a deal with César. Lampião seeks advice from Maria Navalha. Miguel suspects that Pascoal is responsible for the attack on César.

Maria Navalha offers to become a partner at Beco do Gambá. Jefinho helps Selena write a song for Luna. Julião shows César the photo he took of the Golden Lady's inventory certificate. Maria Navalha decides to open a beauty salon for Soraya. Sabrina confesses to Luna, Miguel, Bebel and César that it was Preciosa and Pascoal who sought her out to use their cooperative.

Wednesday, October 1st (Chapter 129)
Sabrina shows the earrings she received from Preciosa and Bebel is sad. César doesn't punish Preciosa and Luna gets angry. Miguel and Bebel are surprised when César agrees to buy Pascoal's shares. Luna decides to move away from the Count of Montebello, and César reacts angrily. Preciosa argues with Pascoal. Bebel makes a statement to exonerate Luna.

Miguel takes Luna to Fuzuê. Emília and Vitor tell Lampião that Mercedes doesn't know he was found. Nero is encouraged by Luna's decision. Francisco is jealous of Soraya. César is looking for Pascoal. Luna invites Julião to work at Fuzuê. Caesar complains to Nero about hiring Luna to work with him. Preciosa makes a suggestion to Luna.

Thursday, November 1st (Chapter 130)
Luna talks to Miguel about Preciosa's proposal. Nero argues with Caesar. Julião helps Preciosa. Heitor vents to Alicia. Merreca teases Francisco. César reprimands Preciosa for her attitude towards Luna. Cláudio complains to Alicia that he is jealous of Heitor. César sends Julião to investigate Cecília.

Cecília suggests that Maria Navalha contact César for information. César coordinates the details of the gem smuggling with Pascoal and Silvestre. Lampião asks Emília to show Mercedes an item before their meeting. Selena and Jefinho show the song they made for Luna. César meets Rui. Preciosa and Julião meet.

Friday, December 1st (Chapter 131)
Preciosa insults Julião. César is surprised when Rui says he knows Preciosa. Luna returns to coordinate the NGO. Preciosa is scared when Heitor questions her about Julião. Luna invites Julião to work on the collection he will make for Fuzuê. Cata Ouro is suspicious of Julião.

Maria Navalha offers Merreca her help, but demands one condition. Rui makes a deal with Preciosa. Mercedes remembers Lampião and Emília and Bebel celebrate. Nero finds Rui talking to César at the Conde de Montebello.

Saturday, January 13th (Chapter 132)
Nero complains about Rui's presence and demands explanations from César. Pascoal is suspicious of Preciosa's story about Rui. Maria Navalha notices Julião's interest in Luna. Nero tells Bebel that he saw Rui and César in the jewelry store. Miguel is angry when he learns of Rui's return. Maria Navalha tells Luna about Julião's interest.

Emília arranges Lampião's meeting with Mercedes. Selena causes a scandal during rehearsal with Jefinho and Tonico becomes angry. Miguel confronts Rui. Rui tells Preciosa that he has a plan against Maria Navalha. Lampião and Mercedes meet again. Miguel tells Luna about Rui. Rui watches as Maria Navalha reacts to a robbery and ends up getting run over.

The Fuzuê chapters are provided by Globo and are subject to change without notice

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