Panic at New Year39s Eve what can I do if

Panic at New Year's Eve: what can I do if my dog ​​runs away? 5 minutes

Published on December 31, 2023, 8:14 pm / ©Csankovszki Tibor/Pexels

Photo on shows a dog in the forestPhoto on shows a dog in the forest

As beautiful as many fireworks and the like are, unfortunately they often mean a lot of stress for animals. When they panic, dogs may also run away.

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Many pet owners dread New Year's Eve. Understandable, as many pets suffer from the noise of fireworks, etc. Many dogs also escape on this day. 5 Minutes spoke about this topic with Alexandra Grunow, dog expert from Klagenfurt and founder of K9 Pro Search Dogs.

Stay in place

“The most important thing is to stay where the dog ran away. Do not go out or look for the animal, just stay there. This can take a long time, but you need to wait until the dog comes back on its own after calming down,” explains Grunow. This can take hours, but it is still the best way to find the animal again.

“Please do not actively approach him.”

“If the dog comes back, please do not actively approach it, just remain seated. He is still under enormous stress and may run away again. The best thing to do is call, talk and put food in front of him, but wait for him to come back alone”, says the dog expert. The animal needs a lot of time to calm down.

When to call K9?

If your dog is injured, is wearing a collar/harness, or is very young/old, call K9 Pro Search Dogs immediately so they can help immediately. “Of course, other pet owners can also call so we can explain what they should do and reassure them. It’s better to call again, a call costs nothing”, explains Alexandra Grunow. Here you will find some more tips.

Contact Details K9 Search Dogs

Tel.: +43 0720 900 050