1704118104 Pacifists like Miss Italy They support peace in the world

Pacifists like Miss Italy: They support “peace in the world”, but don’t say how Nicola Porro

Pacifist Carlo Rovelli

We have often compared woke progressive ideology to a religion that has now become very cumbersome for the American Democratic Party. In Europe, with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the power of the Church, the socialist and progressive parties have combined their anti-modernism, third worldism and anti-Americanism with that sweet overseas doctrine of which the pacifism One-way traffic is one of the basic principles. An effective summary of our pacifism was given by Carlo Rovelli at Corriere della Sera on December 22nd. Rovelli is undoubtedly an authoritative scientist and a popularizer appreciated all over the world, and it is precisely for this reason that it surprises a humble reader that his political statements lack an element that, for a man of science, should be the starting point for any other dispute: the fact of reality.

Rovelli mentions the number of deaths in the wars of the last decades and the amount of today's military spending, which amounts to 2,200 billion dollars. There is nothing to complain about here. It explains the evils of decadent American hegemony and the fact that the US has lost all wars around the world since the end of World War II (we forget the Cold War, but maybe it's not that important). To a west Arrogant and hypocritical, dominated by the United States, Rovelli presents the galaxy of gods before himself BRICS, multipolar and a basin of “major democracies on the planet, such as India, Indonesia and Brazil”. And here something starts to creak.

If we criticize the contradictions of US democracy (guns, social inequalities, racial discrimination) in the name of individual rights, peace and values, how can we endure it?India, endowed with a thousand-year-old and fascinating culture, but where 200 million Dalits (or “pariahs”) live in a cruel apartheid, where child brides are a sad norm and where Delhi is known as one of the world's rape capitals? Furthermore, it is still possible to establish models of pacifism today because we have much more information options than in the 1970s South American countrieswhere national armies have repeatedly been used against their own populations, where development is constantly hampered by bloody infighting between criminal groups replacing the state (see Colombia and Mexico), and where the unfortunate policies of the courageous opponents of the gringos have affected millions of people has people gone bankrupt (see Argentina and Venezuela)?

Rovelli's analysis continues with the hope that theItaly can contribute to world peace because of its “sincere cultural pacifism“. And here the rhetoric about Italians being good people (and the resulting denigration of the Pope) is unbearable. Do we really believe the fable of Catholic-inspired Italian pacifism? Do we really believe that the peace we have lived in for 80 years is not due to the Atlantic Alliance, but to the fact that we have become “good”? Do we really believe that if we replaced the NATO bases with fields of flowers and donated the army budget to Casarini's NGO, the major Mediterranean countries (especially Turkey and Egypt) would not be tempted to expand their hegemony over the ancient and rich Italian territory?

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Rovelli shows us a key aspect of this international progressivism, not only the longing for an unattainable ideal (world peace), but above all the conviction to live in a world that is different than it actually is. A world in which, without the evil Americans and their European acolytes, in Russia they would elect the Dalai Lama as president, in Israel Prime Minister Moni Ovadia would resolve the conflict with the Palestinians in a snap, and in Iran they would replace the Quranic law Editorial by Massimo Giannini. The fabulous vision of humanity it is indeed old and obscured racism. Because he lives in the conviction that the world is nothing more than a bunch of savages and the West is the only one who can decide its downfall or salvation. As in the 19th century myth of the “noble savage,” the people of Earth are slothful and clueless, we alone are responsible for all their misfortunes, and only by retreating can we provide them with a peaceful future.

Holding on to this vision immediately makes us feel better because it relieves others of their responsibilities and gives us the thrill of being the dispenser of good and evil. Then you wake up and realize that where the West retreats into its own home with all its contradictions, the world is anything but roses and flowers and conquests, massacres and nuclear proliferation (latest news from North Korea) flare up with even greater enthusiasm. To avoid this evidence, just do like the communist mayor Peppone, who blurts out in front of the stories of two refugees from the USSR in “Comrade Don Camillo”: “Stop talking badly about your Russia, I want to continue to mine Believe Russia!” “.

Pietro Molteni, January 1, 2024

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