José Antonio Llorente, founder of LLYC, a leader characterized by generosity

Jose Antonio Llorente founder of LLYC a leader characterized by

José Antonio Llorente died on December 31st in Madrid. At peace, surrounded by his family and until his final hours, he shared his brilliance and, even in the most complicated moments, his sense of humor with all of us who were lucky enough to work with him.

In fact, sharing is one of the verbs that best defines José Antonio. His generosity is the basis of the project that is now called LLYC, since from the beginning he conceived it as a partnership in which the best had the opportunity to be shareholders and feel part of a project that goes beyond people.

Since co-founding LLYC with Olga Cuenca in 1995, his priority has been to attract and develop valuable talent. To achieve this, the challenge of growth was a constant challenge, but also the motivation and satisfaction of being part of a unique project in the world of Spanish and Portuguese-speaking communication.

Later, in 2022, when LLYC began trading on BME Growth, the company further engaged in a management and corporate governance model where the company's successes and results could benefit many.

José Antonio's generosity, like that of all great leaders, also extended to his knowledge. Far from shining alone, as he did with his own light, he put us in the spotlight whenever he could. He wanted his partners and team to be the visible face with clients, at events and in the media because he knew this would further elevate the project and its potential. He was the first to encourage us to maintain and develop our digital identity. He led by example and believed that if managers did not develop their social leadership, they were leaving part of their job half-done: influencing and building trust.

He had notable philanthropic work. Again: generosity. As a collector and passionate lover of contemporary art, he collaborates with the Museo del Barrio, the Reina Sofía or the ARCO Foundation and especially with young Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American artists. Also through his support of the LLYC Foundation and collaboration with the Spanish Association Against Cancer.

Be generous with your time. Always available, always friendly. Until the last hours, when the LLYC members stole his family's time with him because he wanted to write us a final message, his farewell. He asked us to continue working together with the enthusiasm and commitment he had instilled in us, but above all he gave us one final gift. That of your love and gratitude for the journey you have traveled, with the confidence that the dream project will endure and continue to grow.

And of course the generosity with his affection and loyalty, which he reinforced in difficult times. “You will never walk alone,” he told us. You will never walk alone, José Antonio.

José Antonio Llorente was a visionary in communications and public affairs. A great businessman. An extraordinary friend. And above all, an extremely generous person. And for that reason, a great leader who will be missed with the same vigor with which we will grow his legacy. Rest in peace.

Luisa Garcia She is a partner and global COO of LLYC.

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