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Bye 2023 | Martin Matte and the CAQ take on the pressure – La Presse

Martin. Well, Martin Matte… and the members of the CAQ government ate their brown bread – not on sale at Maxi, by the way – during Bye bye 2023, who prepared a plate of popular culture that was spicy and just peppery enough.

Posted at 3:07 p.m.


At least for the service in the first hour efficient and fun. The last half hour was gentler, we'll come back to that.

The sketch in which François Legault, played by Claude Legault, a classic for him, asked the Plan B company to go back in time to correct the errors in the third term was beautifully realized. A short, snappy and expressive vignette, just the way we like it.

Just before, Hyundai's pastiche of WAH ads was entertaining, with Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse in the role of Marilou, the queen of “three fwahs a day.” What a baffling and stupid concept is that of “l'estie de WAH,” to paraphrase the text of Radio-Canada's annual review.

Bye 2023 Martin Matte and the CAQ take on


Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse, in the role of Marilou.

The devastating segment about Martin Matte in distress hit a painful nail for TVA: the failure of the Les Beaux malaises creator's talk show. Louis Morissette shined in this parody, in which he got stuck in his boxes and pretended to be interested in his guest Marthe Laverdière (excellent Guylaine Tremblay), who re-enacted the lost host.

Then the final killer phrase: lemon or turnip, both, using the codes from Martin Matte's maxi ad. Bang, TKO.

To illustrate the housing crisis, it's a great idea to revive Chambres en ville, where Louise Deschâtelet's former boarding house housed her old tenants Pete (Francis Reddy), Julien (Gregory Charles) and Geneviève (Patricia Paquin), strangled or forced by mortgage interest were evicted from their homes by greedy landlords. I screamed when I saw Anne Dorval reprising her iconic role of Lola the Not Fine. A heavy blow. I screamed – even louder – when the Bye bye team brought back the character of Anne Dorval's little toothless boy, first seen in 2016's Bye bye. Crazy lightning.

It must be emphasized: Pierre-Yves Roy-Desmarais was the star of this bye bye 2023. First, his post-apocalyptic opening song set the tone for the evening, which would pulverize and char big egos.

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Pierre-Yves Roy-Desmarais launched Bye bye 2023.

Then the imitations of Pierre-Yves Roy-Desmarais, including the footballer Marc-Antoine Dequoy, were delirious, especially his Louise Sigouin from “Si on s'aimerait”, which was even more outlandish than that of Marc Labrèche. His best? The one from Jérémy Demay from the unbearable Meubles RD-Gueu commercials.

It is not for nothing that Radio-Canada is calling on Pierre-Yves Roy-Desmarais to succeed Louis-José Houde at the helm of ADISQ. He has all the qualities to lead this gala.

Suggestion for the colorful song about REM's setbacks that was very Club Soly: They should have added the lyrics to the bottom of the screen to make it easier to understand. And recruiting the flamboyant Patsy Gallant to bury him with the sound of the train is a perfect joke.

Minister Éric Caire, portrayed by Claude Legault, looked like a real pee in the fake SAAQenheimer film about the nuclear fiasco of driving licenses and registrations.

I also liked that Bye bye 2023 was removed from the section Tou.Tévé Extra, your public broadcaster “only for those who pay”. The gag came up three times, with just as much acid. Nobody will accuse director Simon-Olivier Fecteau of complacency here.

The New Look commercial, with Pierre Poilievre (Guylaine Tremblay) taking off his glasses, embodied the spirit of all this Bye bye 2023: skillfully put together scenes, without fuss, aimed at the middle of the target.

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Pierre Poilievre, played by Guylaine Tremblay.

The fake news show by Sophie Thibault (Guylaine Tremblay) and Patrice Roy (Pierre Brassard) contained a gem, namely the recording of the podcast show Listening to Mike Ward (Guylaine Tremblay, really funny) with the two Taouins from The Blue Pocket, performed by Marc Dupré and Arnaud Soly. I would have taken more.

One of the lesser moves in this flagship series is the comprehensive rewrite of “Time for a Turkey” by Roland Hi! Ha! Tremblay (Michel Barrette, as in the film December 23rd) was predictable and not very funny. Just like the parents' bacon crisis over mixed bathrooms and non-binary teachers. It remained at the first degree.

Even the stupid student who uses ChatGPT and the Fast and Furious-style revamped electric bike will not go down in history.

The less savory pieces of Bye bye 2023 have been relegated to the Happy New Year countdown, including Green Week (average), the slapheads visiting the Titan submarine (meh!) or Bernard Drainville's long acting class ( very fair Patrick Huard). ), harsh on the politician, who would have benefited from a cut.

One person who must have sighed while watching “Bye bye 2023” is Justin Trudeau, who was spared in every round. Aside from the reference to the movie Barbie and his breakup with Sophie Grégoire (portrayed by Catherine Chabot), the Canadian prime minister has dodged most of the punches. Would his boxing training finally help his political career?