Achille Lauro39s New Year39s Eve is a mystery he misses

Achille Lauro's New Year's Eve is a mystery, he misses the concert in Rome and flies to New York Repubblica

The mystery deepens. First the canceled concert, then the escape to New York. The case of Achille Lauro, which was supposed to appear at Cinecittà World, continues to cause controversy. The concert was canceled at the very last minute. Just a few days ago, a press release from the amusement park said: “The singer-songwriter and his band will create an atmosphere with his most famous hits with special effects and light displays.” Then the sudden lump sum. However, the reason probably lies in the few tickets sold for the event. However, sources close to the singer say that the agency was forced to cancel the artist's participation because the organizers of the event did not adhere to the contractual agreements.

Those who purchased Cinecittà World tickets had the option to convert them into entry and dinner packages or receive a full refund. But the fans of the singer-songwriter from Verona, who grew up in Rome, not only left empty-handed and without a concert, but also with ridicule. In fact, the 33-year-old was stolen in the Big Apple by one of his fans, an entrepreneur from Campania. “And then, that evening in New York City, you find yourself at Achille Lauro!” he wrote on social media.

Achille Lauro cancels the New Year's Eve concert at Cinecittà World in Rome

published by the Rome editorial team December 31, 2023

In short, the yellow is getting bigger. There are two versions. The first is that of the park: of the 20,000 total tickets for the park, less than a thousand were sold to attend the Achille Lauro concert. So the agency that looks after the character of the singer-songwriter announced the cancellation of the concert, perhaps to avoid making a fool of itself, and Cinecittà World could do nothing but apologize to those who bought the ticket, and Suggest to exchange it or refund it.

The second version concerns those around the 33-year-old who could not have taken part due to “the organizer’s failure to comply with the contractual agreements”.

Now the affair could have legal consequences, especially since it involves contracts, disputes and money. It's now a disappointment for fans: “I've been waiting for this concert for months, I spent 69 euros…” writes one fan. Which in the end had to be redesigned into Fruit and Fury to celebrate the new year.