President of Bolivia reaffirms commitment to industrialization.webp

President of Bolivia reaffirms commitment to industrialization

Expressing wishes for the well-being of Bolivians in 2024, the dignitary highlighted in pictures the progress of this government policy in promoting road infrastructure for hydrocarbon integration and exploration.

He also highlighted social works that have an impact on the quality of life of the population, such as the Nuclear Medicine Network to combat oncological diseases.

Arce stressed that “together we will continue to face the future with hope,” while the audiovisual program featured images of lithium and fertilizer development.

The industrialization policy covers more than 150 complexes in different regions to create development poles based on national natural resources.

The President emphasized the importance of these strategies for 2025, the year of the country's bicentenary of independence.

For her part, the Vice Minister of Communications, Gabriela Alcón, explained to the press that the results of this policy will be visible in 2024.

“In 2024, with our more than 150 systems shown and installed (…), we will show what industrialization means,” assured Alcón in statements to the press.

So far, the NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) plant for the production of granular fertilizers in Cochabamba and the lithium carbonate industrial plant in Llipi, in the southwest of the Potosí department, have been delivered.

To produce NPK, the Bolivian Hydrocarbons Industrialization Company (EBIH) will purchase the raw material from the Yacimientos Petrolófilos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB), Yacimientos de Litio Bolivianos (YLB) and the Cochabamba quarries.

The project required an investment of 63.7 million bolivianos (more than nine million dollars) and has a production capacity of about 60,000 tons of NPK and slow-release granulated urea, two fertilizers in high demand worldwide.

According to the Bolivian authorities, this production will cover one hundred percent of national needs, which is why this input will no longer be imported.

Meanwhile, the lithium carbonate industrial plant, inaugurated on December 15, was built at a cost of nearly 767 million bolivianos ($109 million) and will produce about 15,000 tons of the compound annually at full capacity.

Vice Minister Alcón told the press that there are many other projects that will demonstrate in practice the objective pursued by the government, starting from the first months of 2024.
