Ethiopia and Somaliland reach “historic” agreement on port access – The Guardian


In return for the recognition of the Republic's independence, maritime and commercial access to the coast of Somaliland is granted

Ethiopia has signed a “historic” agreement granting it maritime and trade access to ports along Somaliland's coast in return for recognizing the breakaway republic's independence, it said.

The Somali government, which has long maintained that Somaliland remains part of the country, announced that it would convene an emergency meeting of its cabinet in response to the memorandum of understanding. after to the state news agency Sonna.

Tens of thousands of refugees are fleeing clashes in Somaliland

At the press conference in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, Somaliland President Muse Bihi said after his meeting with the country's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed: “We are pleased to announce and would like to express our gratitude to the Prime Minister, and Ethiopia, according to our here written agreement that we will provide 20 km of sea and they will recognize us.”

Ali Hassan Mohamed, Somaliland's information minister, called the deal “groundbreaking” and reiterated his government's view that the deal includes 20 km (12 miles) of maritime access in exchange for diplomatic recognition.

In a statement posted on

It added: “The Memorandum of Understanding is intended to pave the way for the realization of the objective of securing access to the sea and diversifying its access to seaports,” thereby opening a “new chapter of cooperation” and “regional integration in the Horn “ ring in.

Redwan Hussein, an adviser to Abiy Ahmed, said the deal was a “step in the right direction for this and future generations,” adding that details of the memorandum would be formalized at a follow-up meeting in a month.

A step forward in the right direction for this and future generations. FDRE signed a memorandum of understanding for partnership and cooperation with Somaliland, paving the way for access to a leased military base on the Red Sea.

– Redwan Hussien (@RedwanHussien) January 1, 2024

The meeting between Ethiopia and Somaliland came days after Somalia and Somaliland announced a breakthrough in talks in Djibouti, committing to further dialogue between their respective capitals.

Abdikarim Hussein Guled, Somalia's special envoy to Somaliland, said The agreement represented a “blatant disregard for international norms” by Ethiopia and undermined progress between Hargeisa and Mogadishu. Somalia's former president Mohamed Farmaajo Posted on X: “The agreement signed today by Ethiopia with Somaliland is a serious concern for Somalia and all of Africa.”

Somaliland declared independence from Somalia in the early 1990s, when Somalia was mired in a protracted civil war. Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland, has been actively seeking international recognition within the borders of the former British protectorate for more than three decades. Formal recognition by Ethiopia would offer Somaliland its greatest opportunity yet to overcome its international isolation.

Ethiopia lost access to its Red Sea ports in the early 1990s when Eritrean insurgents in the north of the country gained control of Ethiopia's northern coastal region – a former Italian colony – and then declared independence.

Ethiopia is heavily dependent on Djibouti for international trade, with more than 95% of trade flows passing through the Addis-Djibouti Corridor, a vulnerability the country is trying to reduce by diversifying its options. Ethiopia has expressed interest since October in gaining access to ports along the East African coast and said it would assert its rights, sparking concerns among its neighbors.

In a televised address, Abiy said Ethiopia should have a say in the use of its Red Sea coastal neighbors' ports, just as countries downstream along the Nile are allowed to negotiate over the use of the river, which Ethiopia has built a dam to provide electricity generate.


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