An explosive start to the year: the most anticipated books in January

After a 2023 full of editorial publications, with novels and new authors that will continue to be talked about in the future (in this article, all those that need to be recovered), January 2024 is ready to open the doors with its own new releases. many are eagerly awaited, and some rediscoveries promise to be really interesting.

After a traditionally “silent” December on the publishing front, publishers are ready to compete for readership by taking guarantees but also betting. Below are some of the novels that will be available in bookstores from the first days of January and will not disappoint expectations.

Giving life (Rizzoli)

The prize for the most anticipated book goes to Dare la vita, a posthumous pamphlet by Michela Murgia. The author, originally from Oristano, wrote until a few hours after her death, which took place on August 10th. His latest work, published by Rizzoli and coming out on January 9th, is “a touching book about family,” explains the work's curator, Alessandro Giammei, “it was supposed to be all about 'pregnancy for others', and That's what it turned out to be. “an extremely profound book about the meaning of parenthood and kinship”.

In 128 pages, based on her own personal experience, Murgia tells a different model of motherhood, how one can give life without procreating biologically, how soul ties can be added to blood ties. Pages that address the infinite facets of affection and want to make people understand that opening up to others does not reduce love, but increases it.”

At Home (Fazi Editor)

It will be published in Liberia by Fazi Editore on January 16th. At the home of Judith Hermann, an award-winning German best-selling author. The novel tells the story of a mature woman who escapes the roles of mother and wife, leaves the past behind and takes control of her life.

The plot. The protagonist, a middle-aged woman, left her husband after their nineteen-year-old daughter left home. Without any significant connections outside the family, she moves to the sea, to her own house on the northeast coast of Germany, near a small village, where she will work in her brother's brewery during the summer season. As she continues to write letters to her ex-husband and think about her world-traveling daughter, the woman forms temporary friendships with strange local characters, attempts romance, reminisces about her past life and wonders what will become of her future life.

All the details in the news (Mondadori)

Antonio Manzini, creator of Deputy Commissioner Rocco Schiavone, enters Mondadori's crime catalog with a story that questions the balance between law and justice and what we would be willing to do to heal our wounds.

All the details in the January 9 news revolve around the characters of Carlo Cappai, court archivist, who spends his time studying the files of old cases, especially those in which the defendant was acquitted “because he did not commit the crime had”. “, and by Walter Andretti, a journalist who improvises as a detective based on these files.

The Golden Needles (Neri Pozza Beat)

Neri Pozza bets again on Michael McDowell, an American writer who died in 1999: after the Blackwater saga, a real editorial case of the year 2023, The Golden Needles will appear in bookstores on January 16, a work that Stephen King described as “captivating” defined, terrifying and absolutely brilliant. This continues the publication of the masterpieces of the man who was rediscovered as a cult author within just a few months.

The plot. In 1882, New York celebrates the New Year between opulence and poverty. From his home in Gramercy Park, the cynical judge James Stallworth, supported by his son and son-in-law, launches his crusade: to clean up the infamous Black Triangle, a neighborhood full of taverns, brothels, opium dens and fences over which… The Wild Black Lena Shanks rules with her clan of women skilled in the arts of cruelty. But the Stallworths' hunger for power has to compete with Black Lena's rage for revenge.

The little stories of the Kamogawa Inn (Einaudi)

After “The Lost Recipes of the Kamogawa Restaurant,” Einaudi publishes the second chapter of the food detectives: Kamogawa Nagare and his daughter Koishi. The novel will be available in bookstores from January 16th.

The plot. A father and daughter have been running the Kamogawa restaurant for years, known in Kyoto as the detectives of culinary mysteries due to their skill at finding the perfect ingredients for the dishes each customer loves. Between tofu, bamboo shoots, matcha tea, wakame seaweed, and dozens of other flavors, Chef Nagare will help you find the recipes you've been looking for and shed a completely different light on the most meaningful moments of your life.

Marabbecca (The Ship of Theseus)

Marabbecca is the new novel by Viola Di Grado, set in a suffocated and mythological Sicily riddled with blinding skies and black ash, published on January 12th by La Nave di Teseo. The work asks crucial questions about identity: what it means to say “I” and the collisions with the other that somehow tell us who we really are.

The plot. One late summer afternoon, Clotilde and Igor have a car accident after breaking up. She is injured and he falls into a coma. As Clotilde watches over her impenetrable sleep, she is visited by the girl responsible for the crash, a fragile ornithology student named Angelica, and an indecipherable and intense relationship develops between them. When Igor awakens from his coma – radically changed but unchanged in his violent nature – his presence will wear down the two women's precarious balance.

Fragile Sparks (Garzanti)

“Fragile Sparkles” by 24-year-old Francesca Ventura, published by Garzanti, will be available in bookstores on January 23rd. This is his debut novel, previously published on the Wattpad platform under the title “Vintage is in fashion”.

The plot. In the eyes of others, Bice seems haughty and unattainable, but there is someone who saw her fragility and suddenly came into her life, like rain on a summer day: a boy with a sunny smile and deep dark eyes named Kento. Bice knows she should stay away from him, but when Kento becomes her Japanese teacher, she has to show up for class. With it you not only learn to trace kanji, draw cherry blossoms or enjoy matcha tea. Kento talks to her about the beauty of the wounds that Bice desperately tries to hide and now fills with gold.

Ten Thousand Black Feathers (Bao Publishing)

The new story from Myth of the Bone Orchard, the shared horror narrative universe created by Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino, is about two teenage friends who create a fantasy universe for a role-playing game. Ten Thousand Black Feathers will be published by Bao Publishing on January 12th.

When the reality the teenagers invented intersects with the reality they live in, one of them disappears, and ten years later her friend still hasn't stopped looking for her. She will discover that the horror from which she believes she must save her best friend is actually a trap that neither of them could escape.