1704164196 International Police Day Why it is celebrated every January 2nd

International Police Day: Why it is celebrated every January 2nd La Voz del Interior

2023 – POLICE DAY. It is celebrated on International Police Dayas a tribute to the troops in action and those who died in the line of duty with commitment and dedication, ensuring the safety of citizens and the protection of public order.

In Argentina, the police are also remembered every year on April 19th, National Police Day.

More anniversaries

1758 – JUAN JOSÉ PASO. Buenos Aires-born lawyer and politician Juan José Paso (Juan José Esteban del Passo) was secretary of the First Junta of the Autonomous Government of Spain, which emerged from the Revolution of May 25, 1810.

1833 – OCCUPATION IN THE MALVINAS. English troops aboard the warship Clío prepare to land on Soledad Island in the Malvinas Archipelago, where they violently captured the town of Puerto Soledad on January 3, 1883, expelling the Argentine garrison, Governor Luis Vernet and other civilian authorities.

Falkland IslandsFalkland Islands

1890 – UNIVERSITY OF LA PLATA. The Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires, Máximo Paz, issues the law establishing the Provincial University of La Plata in the capital of Buenos Aires, later called the National University of La Plata.

National University of La PlataNational University of La Plata

1839 – FIRST PHOTOGRAPH OF THE MOON. French physicist Louis Daguerre, inventor of photography's groundbreaking daguerreotype, took the first image of the moon in Paris, which was shown as a blurry point of light due to an error in the alignment of the telescope. In March 1840, chemist John William Draper, a professor at New York University, took a good picture of the moon, making it the first successful photograph of an astronomical object.

March 1840. The chemist John William Draper made the first successful photograph of an astronomical object.  (public domain)March 1840. The chemist John William Draper made the first successful photograph of an astronomical object. (public domain)

1920 – ISAAC ASIMOV. Born in the city of Petrovich (Smolensk, Russia), Russian-born American writer, professor of biochemistry and scientific popularizer Isaac Asimov (Isaak Yudovich Ozimov), one of the great authors of science fiction literature. His best known work is the Foundation Saga or Trantor Cycle, part of the Galactic Empire series, which he later combined with others about robots.

1920 – NORMAN BRISKI. The actor, playwright and theater director Norman Briski (Naum Briski), winner of a Martín Fierro Prize who made more than 30 films, was born in the city of Santa Fe.

Norman BriskNorman Brisk

1959 – MECHTA INTRODUCTION. The Soviet Union launches the Mechta (“Dream” in Russian) spacecraft from a base in Kazakhstan, becoming the first to reach the vicinity of the moon. It was also the first mission of the Luna Probes program to target Earth's satellite.

1969 – PORNOGRAPHIC COVER. The police in the city of Newark (New Jersey, USA) confiscate 30,000 copies of the album “Unfinished Music No. 1: Two Virgins”, a work by former Beatles John Lennon and Yoko Ono, because the cover with naked people is “pornographic”. . It is the first experimental album that Lennon and Ono, his partner, released in 1968.

1975 – EMMANUEL HORVILLEUR. The musician and singer Emmanuel Horvilleur, member of the group Illya Kuryaki and The Valderramas with his friend Dante Spinetta, was born in the city of Buenos Aires. Since the group's breakup, he has appeared as a soloist or as a guest of other musicians.

2001 – Mustard in racing. Former River Plate player and coach Reinaldo “Mostaza” Merlo takes over the technical management of the Racing Club de Avellaneda for the first time, which he would win as champion after 35 years without a title. “Mostaza”, who managed Racing two more times, is one of the biggest idols of “La Academia” fans, who erected a statue in his honor at the “Cilindro” stadium in Avellaneda.

Reinaldo “Mustard”"Reinaldo “Mustard”

2002 – DUHALDE PRESIDENT. Peronist Senator of Buenos Aires Province Eduardo Duhalde takes office as interim president of the nation and is elected by the Legislative Assembly to succeed Eduardo Camaño, President of the Chamber of Deputies. Duhalde was head of state until December 10, 2003, when he was replaced by Néstor Kirchner, the winner of that year's elections.


Other anniversaries

1492.- After ten years of war, the Catholic Monarchs invade Granada, which was conquered by the Arabs.

1814.- The Representative Assembly of Venezuela grants Simón Bolivar absolute powers.

1839.- The Frenchman Louis Daguerre takes the first photograph (daguerreotype) of the moon.

1843.- The opera “The Flying Dutchman” by Richard Wagner is premiered in Dresden (Germany).

1912.- Inauguration of the new neon gas lighting in Germany.

1926.- For the first time in Spain, spoken newspapers entitled “The Word” are broadcast on the radio.

1931.- First Panamanian revolutionary movement. The President of the Republic, Florencio Arosamena, is deposed and replaced by Harmodio Arias.

1942. – World War II: The Japanese invade Manila.

1949.- Luis Muñoz Marín becomes the first democratically elected governor in Puerto Rico.

1955.- The President of Panama, José Antonio Remón, is shot.

1959.- Fidel Castro takes power in Cuba. The troops commanded by Camilo Cienfuegos and Ernesto “Ché” Guevara enter Havana.

.- The Soviet Union launches Luna-1, the first space probe destined for the Moon.

1971.- 66 people die in Glasgow (Scotland, United Kingdom) when a railing at the Celtic stadium gives way due to pressure from spectators.

1974. – US President Richard Nixon signs a law limiting speed to 55 miles per hour to save gasoline during the OPEC embargo.

1984.- The Court of Justice of the Andean Community begins its activities in Quito.

2002.- Peronist Eduardo Duhalde assumes the presidency of Argentina, becoming the fifth president in 13 days.

2003.- In Paris, French police thwarted an escape plan by six ETA members from La Santé prison.

2004.- The Colombian guerrilla Ricardo Palmera, alias “Simón Trinidad”, was arrested in Ecuador.

2008.- Two Doctors Without Borders employees (a Spanish doctor and an Argentine nurse) are released after a week of kidnapping in Somalia.

2011.- In Spain, the new anti-smoking law comes into force, banning smoking in closed public establishments and some open spaces.

2014.- The rescue of the 52 passengers of the Russian ship “Akadémik Shokálskiy”, trapped in the Antarctic ice since December, is completed.

2016.- The mayor of the Mexican municipality of Temixco, Gisela Mota, was assassinated the day after taking office.

.- Saudi Arabia executes Shiite cleric and leader Nimr Baqir al Nimr.

2018.- 53 people die when a bus falls off a cliff in Peru.

2020.- Interpol orders the arrest of former Nissan Motor president Carlos Ghosn, who fled Japan to Lebanon.


1837.- Mili Balakirev, Russian composer.

1873.- Teresa of Lisieux, Carmelite and French saint.

1882.- César Rodríguez González, Spanish businessman, founder and first president of El Corte Inglés.

1886.- Florence Lawrence, Canadian inventor and actress.

1920.- Isaac Asimov, Russian writer who popularized scientific topics.

1936.- Roger Miller, American singer and songwriter.

1940.- Srinivasa Varadhan, American mathematician of Indian origin.

1947.- Elsa Baeza, Spanish singer, born in Cuba.

1968.- Cuba Gooding Jr., American actor.

1970.- Jaime Rosales, Spanish film director.

1983.- Kate Bosworth, American actress.


1948.- Vicente García Huidobro, Chilean poet.

1953.- Guccio Gucci, Italian fashion designer.

1984.- Sebastián Juan Arbó, Spanish writer.

1995.- Manuel Rivera Hernández, Spanish painter.

1997.- Joan Coromines, Spanish philologist and writer.

1999.- Margot Cottens, Uruguayan actress living in Spain.

2000.- Patrick O'Brian, British writer and translator.

2006.- Fernell Franco, Colombian photographer.

2009.- Inge Christensen, Danish writer.

2017.- John Berger, British historian and writer.

2018.- Rick Hall, American music producer.

.- Thomas Monson, American Mormon leader.

2020.- John Baldessari, American conceptual artist.

2022.- Richard Leakey, Kenyan paleoanthropologist and politician.

Source: own and agencies.