WWE Monday Night RAW Results 010124 – Wrestling Headlines

WWE Monday Night RAW Results 01/01/24 – Wrestling Headlines

WWE Monday Night RAW results 01/01/24
Pechanga Arena
San Diego, California

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Michael Cole & Wade Barrett)

Ring announcer: Samantha Irvin

Transcribed by Josh Lopez

First match: Becky Lynch vs. Nia Jax

Jax pushes Becky. Becky responds with a forearm smash. Becky dodges a clothesline from Jax. Rear elbow replacement. Jax catches Becky in mid-air. Jax tries the Samoan Drop but Becky lands back on her feet. Jax blocks a boot from Becky. Becky with a step up enzuigiri. Jax attacks Becky with a bodyslam. Jax takes down Becky with The Body Avalanche. Jax with a running elbow drop. Jax talks to Becky. Jax chokes Becky with the middle rope. Becky gives Jax a JawBreaker. Becky kicks Jax in the face. Becky kicks Jax in the side of the turnbuckles. Becky's forearm is shaking. Becky uppercuts Jax. Becky with a spinning back kick. Becky dodges a clothesline from Jax. Jax applies the bear hug. Becky avoids the Banzai Drop. Becky hits a running neck snap for a one count. Becky with a flying forearm smash. Jax blocks the exploder suplex.

Jax slams Becky’s head onto the top turnbuckle. Becky kicks Jax in the face. Becky with Esperanza. Becky with a shotgun dropkick. Jax throws Becky over the top rope. Becky rocks Jax with a forearm smash. Becky hits the missile dropkick for a two count. Becky kicks Jax in the ribs. Becky goes over Jax's midsection. Jax avoids the missile dropkick. Jax hits the Samoan Drop for a two count. Jax puts Becky on her shoulders. Jax climbs to the middle turnbuckle. Becky with a Sunset Flip PowerBomb for a two count. Jax sends Becky into the turnbuckles. Becky throws haystacks at Jax. Jax whips Becky around the ring. Jax with a leaping body block. Jax with a running leg drop for a two count. Becky responds with a knee lift. Becky with a roundhouse kick. Jax has Becky sitting on the top turnbuckle. Becky blocks the SuperPlex. Becky with a SomerSault senton for a two count.

Jax with a drop toe hold into the middle rope. Jax tries a running leg drop but Becky ducks out of the way. Becky with a baseball slide dropkick. Jax punches Becky in the ribs. Jax accidentally hits the steel ring post. Jax HeadButts Becky. Jax tries a running cannonball strike, but Becky ducks out of the way. At nine, Jax gets back in the ring. Becky with The Flying Leg Drop for a two count. Becky applies The Dis-Arm-Her. Jax rolls Becky over for a two count. Becky applies the cross arm breaker. Jax with a SitOut PowerBomb for a two count. Jax drags Becky into the corner. Becky attacks Jax's right knee. Jax blocks the Avalanche Manhandle Slam. Jax hits The Avalanche Samoan Drop for a two count. Jax slams Becky’s face into the canvas. Becky puts Jax on the ring apron. Becky delivers her combination attack. Becky hits Jax in the back with the club. Becky goes for the guillotine leg drop, but Jax counters with a big right hand. Jax teams Becky with the Annihilator for victory.

Winner: Nia Jax via pinfall

Cody Rhodes & Shinsuke Nakamura segment

Cody Rhodes: So, San Diego, what do you want to talk about? I have the privilege of being the very first Superstar to step into this ring and I officially welcome you to a very special day one episode of Monday Night Raw. It's a new year. People love to talk about their goals and where they want to be in 2024. But admittedly, I'm a little stuck. And what stuck with me is Shinsuke Nakamura. Don't get me wrong, I think we all know that Shinsuke Nakamura is a force to be reckoned with in the ring, but I was expecting something more sophisticated with his take on “A Nightmare Before Christmas.” Look, I'm not stuck with Shinsuke Nakamura because the things he said about my family come with the territory. I'm not stuck with Shinsuke Nakamura because he tried to blind me with poison mist. I fought blindly, and I fought quite well. I'm just going to stick with Shinsuke Nakamura because this should be over. This should be over Shinsuke, I'll give you the chance to finish it tonight. So, go ahead, bring your toxic fog, bring your toxic words, whatever makes you feel like you can keep me from where I need to be, because this ends, and this ends right now.

Shinsuke Nakamura: Cody, Cody, Cody. I never thought it would be so easy to get into your head. And to become the author of your final chapter. I whispered the plot in your ear. Brought your character to the edge page after page. I have blinded you so you cannot see the end. Cody, your story doesn't end tonight. I want to give The American Nightmare another week to dream about. I will become what you could never be. I'll finish your story. Then I'll close your book.

Second Match: Jey Uso & Kofi Kingston vs. Imperium

First up are Kofi Kingston and Giovanni Vinci. Collar and elbow binding. Vinci applies a hammerlock. Vinci switches to a wrist lock. Kofi sweeps out Vinci’s legs. Kofi with a quick splash for a one count. Vinci drives his knee into Kofi's midsection. Kofi blocks the Irish whip from Vinci. Vinci dodges a clothesline from Kofi. Vinci with a running crossbody block. Vinci stomps on Kofi’s back. Vinci tags in Kaiser. Haymaker exchange. Kaiser drives his knee into the middle of Kofi. Kofi knocks Vinci off the ring apron. Kaiser blocks a boot from Kofi. Kaiser uppercuts Kofi. Kaiser poses for the crowd. Kaiser repeatedly stomps on Kofi’s chest. Emperor with the Irish whip. Kofi hits a missile dropkick. Vinci trips Kofi from the outside. Kaiser drives Kofi shoulder first into the steel ring post. Emperor tags in Vinci. Stereo drive from Dropkicks. Vinci slams Kofi’s head into the announce table. Vinci rolls Kofi back into the ring. Kofi throws haymakers at Vinci.

Vinci responds with The Kitchen Sink. Vinci throws Kofi across the ring. Vinci with The Spinebuster. Vinci tags in Kaiser. Kaiser hits Kofi with The PK. Kaiser stomps Kofi in the face. Kaiser taunts Jey. Kaiser whips Kofi into the turnbuckles. Kaiser with a running uppercut. Kaiser with a step up enzuigiri. Kaiser follows with the butterfly suplex for a two count. Kaiser applies an ankle lock. Kofi's forearm is shaking. Kofi hits a JawBreaker on Kaiser. Kofi is just a tap away from Jey. Kaiser pulls Kofi to the mat. Emperor tags in Vinci. Vinci catapults Kofi throat first into the bottom rope. Vinci catches the outside leg for a two count. Vinci plays around with Kofi. Kofi shows his fighting spirit. Vinci drives his knee into Kofi's midsection. Kofi blocks the Irish whip from Vinci. Kofi creates distance with The Missile Dropkick. Jey and Kaiser are substituted. The referee called for the bell as Vinci received medical attention in the corner.

Winners: Jey Uso & Kofi Kingston via referee interruption

– Byron Saxton recaps what happened on the WWE Holiday Tour.

– Ivy Nile video package.

Miz TV with special guest: Judgment Day

The Miz: Happy New Year. With that said, let's get started with this bad boy. Welcome to the most must-watch WWE talk show in history, Miz TV. And this is the very first Day One Edition, so you can be sure it's going to be good. Now there are a lot of rumors about the former WWE Champion making an appearance later tonight. I have my speculations, but I have to come to my special guest because they begged me to come on the show. So without further ado, please welcome my guest, they are the self-proclaimed most dominant faction in WWE. Ladies and gentlemen, Judgment Day.

R-Truth: San Diego, what's going on?

The Miz: The most likable member of The Judgment Day, R-Truth. Honestly, where is everyone else?

R-Truth: I swear they were all right behind me now.

The Miz: Are you seeing invisible people again?

R-Truth: Is Little Jimmy here?

The Miz: No no no. Little Jimmy isn't here. Why don't you sit down?

R-Truth: Not so fast, Miz. I've been waiting all year to say this. All rise to the Day of Judgment.

The Miz: Well, it actually works a lot better than when Damian Priest does it. Am I wrong? What role do you actually play in “The Judgment Day”?

R-Truth: I'm glad you asked me that. I have many roles in Judgment Day. It's quite complicated, you know, today I'm doing PR work. Last week I was busy with administrative work. You know, there's always work. Nobody likes them. You have a bad resume. Right now I'm trying to make The Judgment Day relatable to everyone.

JD McDonagh: No, this has to end tonight. The truth is, you are not at Judgment Day. You're not the AV guy for The Clubhouse. They don't do PR for us. And once again, no member of The Judgment Day would ever appear on Miz TV.

Dominic Mysterio: We are the most dominant faction in all of WWE.

R-Truth: San Diego, you know what I mean? Dirty Dom, he gets booed in his hometown. That is not right. Dirty Dom, I didn't mean to interrupt you. But, JD, you're not even at Judgment Day yet. Remember: The loser leaves Judgment Day so you can be gone.

JD McDonagh: They don't make the specifications.

The Miz: Wait, he actually made a valid point. You lost the battle “The Miracle On 34th Street”. The condition was very clear: the loser leaves Judgment Day. So, JD, what are you doing out here?

Dominic Mysterio: Miz, let's talk about your 2023. You spend it on your back and are destroyed by Gunther.

The Miz: I'm sorry, but you're being booed by 20,000 people and I can't hear you over them and you have a microphone. Yes, 2023 wasn't that great for me. But I'm more relevant now than ever before. And despite all this adversity, I continued and did what I always do, which is to perform at a high level in the main events and create memories and moments that will last a lifetime. It's funny, the only memory or moment I have of you from last year is you getting spanked by your daddy. Dragged around by your mommy. And if you want something more current, how about the WWE Holiday Tour, where CM Punk cheered you across the country?

Dominic Mysterio: Miz, I'm done talking. We will continue your losing streak in 2024. With me and JD against you and Truth, right now.

The Miz: Would you all like to see the game right here and now? Well, it's like 2024 will be full of comebacks as it will see Dirty Dom and JD take on the reunited Awesome Truth. Let's go.

R-Truth: Wait, wait a minute. I'm on Judgment Day, do I tag Dom?

The Miz: No, you're tagging me, truth. You and I tag together.

R-Truth: Okay, I got it. This is one of those weird bedfellows day tests, isn't it? I will follow your example, Dirty Dom. I'll tag Miz on behalf of The Judgment Day, we accept.

Third Match: The Judgment Day vs. The Awesome Truth

The game started during the commercial break. Miz whips Mysterio around the ring. Miz drops to the canvas. Miz with the kitchen sink. Miz applies a front facelock. Miz tags in Truth. McDonagh kicks Miz in the back. Mysterio with a straight right hand. Mysterio applies a side headlock. McDonagh intervenes. McDonagh kicks Miz in the stomach. Double Irish Whip. Double elbow knockdown for a two count. McDonagh tries a belly to back suplex but Miz ends up back on his feet. Miz kicks McDonagh in the face. Miz avoids a clothesline from McDonagh. Miz with a running headscissors takeover. Miz tags in Truth. After a snap mare takeover, Miz with a running boot. Truth with a leg drop. McDonagh kicks Truth in the ribs. McDonagh sends Truth into the corner. Truth hits McDonagh with a back elbow smash. Truth with a forearm punch. Truth goes for a bodyslam, but McDonagh lands back on his feet. Truth avoids a clothesline from McDonagh. Truth drops McDonagh with a corkscrew crossbody block. The truth divides. Truth with The Stinger Splash for a two count. Truth applies a wrist lock. Truth tries to bond with Mysterio. McDonagh with an inside-out lariat. McDonagh with a falling sled. McDonagh puts his leg on Truth’s neck. McDonagh changes into Mysterio. Mysterio meets the 619th

Mysterio stomps on Truth’s chest. Mysterio rolls Truth back into the ring. Mysterio poses for the crowd. Mysterio with The Slingshot Senton for a two count. Mysterio tags in McDonagh. McDonagh with a snap vertical suplex for a two count. McDonagh slams Truth’s head onto the top turnbuckle. McDonagh sweeps Truth’s legs out. McDonagh smothers Truth with his boot. Truth with heavy body shots. After a snap mare takeover, McDonagh applies a rear chin lock. McDonagh pulls Truth to the mat. McDonagh with another falling slide. McDonagh goes back to the rear chin lock. Truth with heavy body shots. McDonagh sends Truth across the ring. Sleeper Hold Exchange. McDonagh escapes with a JawBreaker. Miz tags himself in. Miz with a southpaw. Miz with The Awesome Clothesline. Miz knocks Mysterio off the ring apron. Miz with a roundhouse kick. Miz with The Springboard Crossbody Block for a two count. Mysterio begins to argue with the truth. Miz with a running bulldog for a two count. Miz throws Mysterio out of the ring. McDonagh HeadButts Miz. Truth continues to feud with McDonagh. Mysterio tells Truth to hit Miz. The truth is I'm sorry, I love you. Truth hits McDonagh with a big right hand. Miz connects with The Skull Crushing Finale to get the victory.

Winner: The Awesome Truth via pinfall

– Katana Chance, Kayden Carter, Chelsea Green and Piper Niven Vignette.

Fourth game: Rhea Ripley (c) vs. Ivy Nile with The Creed Brothers for the WWE Women's World Championship

Collar and elbow binding. Ripley sends Nile face first into the canvas. Ripley fights out of the fireman's carry position. Ripley pulls Nile to the mat. Ripley with a low dropkick. Ripley sends Nile to the corner. Nil dives over Ripley. Nile blocks a boot from Ripley. Nile rocks Ripley with a forearm smash. Ripley blocks the Irish whip from Nile. Nile kicks Ripley in the face. Nile kicks Ripley in the turnbuckles. Ripley throws Nile over the top rope. Nile with a forearm smash. Nile with a flying crossbody block for a one count. Nile avoids a clothesline from Ripley. Ripley drops Nile with The Big Boot. Ripley talks directly to Nile. Ripley hits Nile in the back with the club. Ripley whips Nile around the ring. Nile with a hurricanrana. Ripley goes for The Big Boot but Nile counters with a leg capture suplex. Ripley regroups on the outside. Nile sends Ripley to the floor. Nile with a baseball slide dropkick. Nile slams Ripley’s head on the ring apron. Ripley delivers a punch to the face. Forearm replacement. Ripley hits Nile in the back. Ripley with The Electric Chair Drop into the apron.

Ripley rolls Nile back into the ring. Ripley kicks Nile in the back. Ripley trembles on the back of the Nile. Ripley plays around with Nile. Nile punches Ripley in the face. Nile gives Ripley a JawBreaker. Ripley with The Roundhouse Kick for a two count. Ripley goes into a ground and pound attack. Ripley applies the seated abdominal stretch. Nil with a shudder on his forearm. Ripley dropkicks Nile to the floor. Nile fights his way out of the electric chair position. Nile with a release German suplex on the floor. At eight, Ripley gets back in the ring. Nile performs her combination attack. Nile with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors takeover. Nile with a running side kick. Nile follows with a leg lariat for a two count. Nile applies a front facelock. Ripley with a knee lift. Ripley whips Nile around the ring. Nile drops Ripley with The Spinning DDT for a two count.

Ripley blocks the GutWrench Suplex. Ripley tries a belly to back suplex, but Nile ends up back on his feet. Nile kicks Ripley in the turnbuckles. Ripley HeadButts Nile. Ripley with The Missile Dropkick for a two count. Ripley goes for The Rip Tide, but Nile lands back on his feet. Nile with a roundhouse kick. Nile hits the GutWrench Suplex for a two count. Ripley fights out of the fireman's carry position. Ripley kicks Nile in the stomach. Ripley stomps on the right foot of Nile. Ripley with a knee smash. Ripley clotheslines Nile. Ripley with a Deadlift FaceBuster for a two count. Ripley sends Nile to the corner. Ripley buries her shoulder in the middle of the Nile. Ripley puts Nile on the top turnbuckle. Ripley tees off on the Nile. Nil blocks TheSuperPlex. Nile with two forearm strikes. Nile slams Ripley’s head onto the top turnbuckle. Nile with The Avalanche Release German Suplex for a two count. Nile with club blows in the middle. Nile follows with another roundhouse kick. Nile tries a flying crossbody block, but Ripley counters with a headbutt. Ripley with a sharp knee strike. Ripley joins The Rip Tide for victory.

Winner: Still WWE Women's World Champion, Rhea Ripley via pinfall


– Natalya & Tegan Nox vs. Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark

– Seth Rollins (c) vs. Drew McIntyre for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship

Check out Episode 393 of The Hoots Podcast