Taurus, don't get up from your desk until you're done: today's horoscope, Tuesday January 2nd

Blackbeard's horoscope today, Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Aries. 21.3. – 20.4

Some practical workplace issues require your attention. Order and precision. Stay on topic and don't waste time talking. Meditate on projects that now seem out of reach. Revised and corrected, they have a better chance of success.

Bull. 21.4. – 20.5

A heartfelt thanks to the Moon in Virgo, trine Uranus, favoring a return to routine and breaking a spear in favor of common sense and practicality. You work at a good pace, believe in what you're doing, and don't leave your desk until you're finished.

Twins. 21.5. – June 21st

You can immediately tell from the mood that it won't be a great Tuesday, and the Moon in Virgo fully confirms these sad predictions. Home, work and domestic responsibilities galore, everything else has to wait…including partners and love.

Cancer. 22.6. – 22.7

Favored by the Moon transiting Virgo, you will find many good reasons to engage in your career more efficiently and consistently. If you feel the need for space and novelty, hurry up and book a trip. Money well spent.

Lion. 23.7. – 23.8

It's not a special effects day like you like so much, but what's no small thing, it's wrapped in a pleasant feeling of calm. Face a family clarification courageously: those who remain calm and composed will prevail.

Virgo. 24.8. – 22.9

Thanks to its close partnership with Uranus, the moon in your zodiac sign doesn't get lost in sterile fantasies. Practical sense, ability to take criticism, maximum efficiency. Attentive and responsible, you take care of everything impeccably; but what more does your partner want?

Balance. 23.9. – 22.10

If you behave cautiously, you will score points in your favor. Do not give in to the rumors circulating around you. Does an unforeseen expense mess up the budget a little? To remedy this, use intelligence.

Scorpio. 10/23 – 22.11

The Moon transit in Virgo is enough to keep the situation in order. In terms of things and practice, you are truly unbeatable today. Excellent premises today, especially if you are looking for contacts to advance a project close to your heart.

Protect. 11/23 – 21.12

A pinch of monotony in personal relationships: why not try to lighten up today's climate with new meetings and interests? Be careful not to drag a professional problem into your family. Complaints from those you love.

Capricorn. 12/22 – 20.1

With the dynamic support of Uranus, the Moon in Virgo gains vibrancy and timing. All initiatives in the workplace are preferred, even the most daring. You can expect confirmation from those around you, comprehensive success and calmness in social life.

Aquarium. 21.1. – 19.2

After the holidays, there may be a pause to take stock. You are here: From the present you can build a solid bridge for the future. Love is not a problem, it is your stubbornness that complicates everything. Be more accommodating!

Fish. 20/2 – 20/3

The Moon in Virgo, targeted by Neptune, in the form of a partner or your significant other, instead of giving you a hand, messes everything up and complicates things for you. When you have to concentrate on work, you tend to neglect your partner. Ready to listen to his complaints?