Bill Clinton39s name appears in the secret files on Jeffrey

Bill Clinton's name appears in the secret files on Jeffrey Epstein: what was the relationship with the financier Virgilio Rekordie

Among the 200 names contained in the late financier's secret documents Jeffrey Epstein and which a federal judge has ordered to be published without any omission, there would also be that of the former President of the United States of America Bill Clinton.

The new revelations about Bill Clinton

According to ABC News, it should be Bill Clinton mentioned over 50 times in the documents.

However, the same broadcaster stated that “there is no clue that the sealed material contains evidence of unlawful behavior“.

Former United States President Bill Clinton's name is said to have been mentioned over 50 times in secret documents related to the late financier Jeffrey Epstein.

The relationship between Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein

THE Relationships between the former President of the United States of America and Jeffrey Epstein, who committed suicide in prison in 2019 after being arrested for sexual abuse and international trafficking of minors, they were known.

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Bill Clinton's name was mentioned Virginia Giuffre, even without accusing him of unlawful behavior. The girl had told investigators that the former US president was among the regular guests at the billionaire's residences, including in Florida and the Virgin Islands.

A spokesman for Bill Clinton was keen to emphasize that his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein was limited only to the philanthropic activities in which the New York millionaire participated.

Other names among documents linked to Jeffrey Epstein?

According to Fox News, former United States President Bill Clinton's name “is not the only name likely to be floated.”

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The deadline within which the lawyers of the parties involved should have objected to the publication of the identities has expired nine years after the opening of the proceedings, which are intended to shed light on the sexual trafficking of minors by the financier Jeffrey Epstein.

Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide on August 10, 2019 in his cell in the New York prison where he was incarcerated.

Photo source: ANSA