Prohiben en Francia manifestaciones frente al Consejo Constitucional

Bolivia will hold the Plurinational Congress on Education in October

At a press conference, he pointed out that “it is a very important challenge and our brother President Lucho (Luis Arce) launched it with the aim of adapting, improving and deepening the quality of education and it is a commitment to the Society, parents and the Bolivian people.”

Pary believed that education was the foundation of the country's socio-economic development.

The owner recalled that academic and social sectors will participate in the forum, such as confederations of urban and rural teachers, school authorities, students, indigenous peoples, universities and other organizations and institutions.

He emphasized that proposals will be received from everyone to improve the quality of the education system of the plurinational state.

Education in Bolivia today is anything but a factor for the country's development, criticized President Luis Arce on April 12, who urged people to leave sectoral problems behind and turn to solving structural problems.

He emphasized: “Unfortunately, education is at risk, the quality of education is deteriorating and we must start to stop discussing salary and industry issues, but start talking about the education issue seriously and with absolute responsibility.”

During a special interview on the program Noches sin tragea on Cadena A, the dignitary pointed out that with the aim of improving the quality of education, the observatory for this matter was transferred from the Ministry of Education to the Ministry of Planning so that this activity can be carried out as a development tool. , growth and opportunities for the country, with an assessment of student learning.

In this sense, Arce expressed that the government welcomes the idea of ​​holding the National Education Congress in 2024, which will be the ideal place for the debate on structural issues.

In this context, he emphasized that, as a university professor, he was very interested in participating.

He recommended that as part of updating the curriculum, in addition to the mother tongue, emphasis should also be placed on quantitative disciplines such as mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology, as well as on the English language, which he said was central to the promotion of scientific knowledge.

“We spend 12 years in school,” he commented, “and supposedly they teach us English, but high school students know English?” What are your math skills when you take the college entrance exam? There are problems with writing, spelling and reading comprehension that need to be solved, and not by sitting down and negotiating more or fewer hours, more or less mobilizations.”
