Taylor Swift a more soothing modern Barbie L39Unione.webp

Taylor Swift, a (more) soothing modern Barbie L'Unione

Blonde, beautiful, brilliant. It drives millions of fans around the world crazy. A Valkyrie who can fill stadiums and increase America's GDP. Here is Taylor Swift, the queen of pop, capable of turning everything she touches into gold. Can keep up with The Beatles by placing 11 songs on the Billboard Top 200, the biggest US chart, at the same time. And to let go of his fans, the Swifties (like in Seattle) to such an extent that a magnitude 2.3 earthquake occurs. He is even capable of influencing the 2024 American presidential election, so much so that political analysts are already trying to measure how many votes he will move with his progressive and pro-LGBTQ+ positions (he is campaigning for, among other things the approval of the Equality Act, the draft law against discrimination based on gender and sexual orientation).

Blonde hair adorned with bangs, always red lipstick on her lips, eyeliner pulled up, never a plunging neckline, never a dress that's too high-cut, never a disproportionate heel – Taylor Swift is a calming modern Barbie. “The Taylor Swift factor”: That’s what American analysts have dubbed it. The renowned Harvard University is already a subject and, for example, dedicates a course to it in which hundreds of students have enrolled. A little, or rather perhaps more, as Madonna was in the 1980s, when universities around the world (including the Faculty of Economics in Cagliari) examined the cultural, literary and, above all, economic implications associated with belief in the figure and the Their record production was cult-related.

First Madonna, then Taylor. His tour of over a hundred concerts on five continents is a driving force for US GDP. “Taylor Swift's entire US tour could generate total spending of $4.6 billion, more than the GDP of 35 countries,” estimates research center Common Sense Institute. Just think of hotels, restaurants and airlines. Not bad for a 34-year-old girl originally from Pennsylvania who began her career composing country songs telling stories about her life as a teenager in small-town America.

However, the reason for her success is also her relationship with her fans: she is always connected with them, interacts with them on social media, opens the doors of her home (on social media) and invites everyone. For example, last summer he told (always on his social media) the story with the British singer-songwriter Matty Healy, someone who has nothing to do with either the American dream or the Persian cats that Taylor often brings with her, because she is one of the most important testimonies of the cat world. So it's no coincidence that on Time's new cover crowning her Person of the Year for 2023, Taylor is flanked by one of her three cats, Benjamin, the latest addition to her life. Another record for the Queen of Pop (in 2022 she fell to Ukrainian President Zelensky), because in almost a hundred years of history, Time dedicated the first December issue to the most influential person of the year, positive or negative, on the list ( (there were (also Adolf Hitler) still no one or almost no one was connected to the world of art. It is true that in 2017 she was already one of the most important figures of the year, along with other women from entertainment and cinema, who had broken the silence about sexual harassment , which she was also a victim of for ten years, when a well-known DJ (later convicted) groped his butt during a concert. But this time it's something different.

That's why, whether we're Swifties or not, we can't do without Taylor Swift. The decision not to listen to it is of course possible. Also avoid studying the phenomenon. Also change the channel on the remote when we see it on TV. However, all of this would be to avoid observing anything important happening. In the words of a well-known American sociologist, not watching the Taylor Swift phenomenon “is like not having seen or read Harry Potter.” You can live without them, but you can’t ignore their existence.”

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