Entrepreneur A chess player from Arequipa who sold Kawaii ducklings

Entrepreneur! A chess player from Arequipa who sold Kawaii ducklings has now opened a chess academy

You will share your knowledge! Leonardo Cahuapaza Tarapaca He is a boy from Arequipa who excels in chess and has received several awards. His family has limited economic resources and that's why he was caught selling kawaii ducklings months ago. Currently, the young man is very interested in continuing to demonstrate his talent and the idea of ​​starting his own chess academy came to him. His wish is that more children learn more about the sport and take part in competitions in other countries.

Leonardo explained to HBA Noticias that he will take advantage of the useful holidays to receive children of primary, intermediate and advanced levels. He will do this work together with his father, who also has chess knowledge.

Entrepreneur A chess player from Arequipa who sold Kawaii ducklings

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Where is the academy for young chess players?

Leonardo's academy is called Club León Chess and is aimed at children aged five and over. It is located on the right bank of Avenue 54, Ciudad Municipal-Zamacola sector, in the Cerro Colorado district.

How much does it cost?

The “Club León Chess” academy charges a fee of 80 S/80 for meaningful holidays. Classes take place both in person and virtually. Interested parties can contact 958425048.

Had to sell kawaii ducklings

In October, the chess player and his mother toured the historic center of the city of Arequipa and sold “kawaii ducklings', which he sold for 3 soles per unit and 2 for 5 soles. The winnings were used to take part in the South American Championships.Chessin Brasil. After the case spread, the boy managed his journey with the support of the Romero Foundation.

Achievements of Leonardo Cahuapaza

  • National U20 Chess Champion
  • Four-time macro-regional U17 champion
  • Pan American School Chess Champion in Bolivia under 15 years old
  • National School Chess Champion in Lima under 15 years old
  • National virtual chess champion under 14 years old