Star of the series “CSI spends New Year’s Eve with Rafa Kalimann Itatiaia

The influencer and exBBB Rafa Kalimann posted this Tuesday 2nd a carousel of photos from the yearend party at her home in Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro. One of the photos caught the public's attention: Rafa appears alongside American actor Gary Dourdan, who played the character Warrick Brown in the series “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation” between 2000 and 2008.

Rafa posted a text alongside the photos in which he talked about his New Year's Eve. “I started the year with a very special energy. Welcomed by my family, my home welcomed people who were on the same wavelength. My friends and family were the necessary complement, the company I needed.”

Dourdan, who also appeared in films such as “Rescue: Redemption Day”, “The Perfect Stranger” and “Alien: Resurrection”, reposted Rafa's photo but did not comment on the presenter or the fact that she spent the end of it the year in Brazil.