Covid-19: epidemic surge recorded in Guadeloupe

1964 new cases during week 9 and 1413 new infections in two days at the start of week 10: no doubt the Covid-19 epidemic figures are starting to rise again in Guadeloupe. Local authorities urge the population to be extremely vigilant.

Like every Wednesday, March 9th was the time to take stock of the evolution of the Covid-19 epidemic in Guadeloupe.
The regional prefect, Alexandre Rochatte, and the deputy director general of the Regional Health Agency (ARS), Florel Bradamantis, addressed the press.

The news is not good: there really is a source of infection on the archipelago. The numbers are on the rise again.

Health situation

We really need to come together.

Florel Bradamantis, Deputy CEO of ARS

Everyone should do everything possible to avoid exposing themselves and their loved ones to infection with the coronavirus, while virological indicators have not only increased during the 9th week, but even more since the beginning of the 10th week, explained the Deputy Director General of the ARS.

Here are the key numbers that are checked regularly. From February 28 to March 6, 2022:

  • Quantity new cases positive 1964an increase of 18% over the previous period (1668 cases);
  • Six patients have died at the University Hospital Center (CHU): two women and four men, mean age 83;
  • in percentage of positive results It has 10.8%vs. 8.4% at week 8;
  • in incidence rate is 521.1 per 100,000 inhabitants instead of 442.6 a week earlier;
  • New cluster was announced as part of an accommodation facility for dependent seniors (EHPAD); this brings the number of clusters monitored today in Guadeloupe to four, including one under investigation and three under control.
  • The pressure in the hospital is relatively stable: there were 49 new calls to the ambulance, two patients were hospitalized in intensive care.

To date, 71 Covid patients have been hospitalized in conventional medicine, 11 Covid patients have been admitted to intensive care (8 in HU and 3 in CBT) and 214 are on oxygen at home.

The Omicron variant accounts for all positive tests.

The data recorded at the beginning of the 10th week indicate the resumption of circulation of the virus and contamination.
As a result, on Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 March, 1413 new infections were recorded, which brings the positive rate to 19.2% in the first 2 days. Over the equivalent periods of 8 and 9 weeks, we had 426 and 635 new cases, respectively.

Maintaining containment measures in Guadeloupe

The prefect decided, after consultation with the members of the Committee of Elected Officials, to maintain all restrictive measures aimed at containing the spread of the virus. “At least for a week,” Alexander Rochatt said.
Purpose: to measure the impact of the carnival period and the beginning of the school year.

Exit rates for fat days are being monitored very closely to anticipate the adoption of commensurate deceleration measures, as outlined in the March 4 Health Bulletin.

Prefecture and ARS press release

Wearing a mask and complying with all barrier gestures must remain a priority, a local state spokesman recalled.
Current sensors in institutions open to the public remain relevant.
There is also a curfew from 23:00 to 05:00. The disco retreat remains in place no matter what; interested professionals feared its abolition, and at present this will not happen.

The duty of healthcare workers to vaccinate remains in place because this is a public health issue that goes beyond the peak of the epidemic that we have experienced.
This commitment is to ensure the long-term protection of the most vulnerable people who are cared for in our medical and medico-social institutions.

Prefecture and ARS press release

Against, omission vaccination will not apply, in Guadeloupeas this measure will be suspended in France.

The use of tests (always free locally) is highly recommended.

Cancellation of sanitary measures in the Northern Isles

Due to the dramatic improvement in the health situation in Saint Barthélemy and Saint Martin, Prefect Serge Guteiron announced in a press release that all health measures related to the fight against the spread of Covid.-19 have been lifted. Specifically, the local state representative announced a return to common law regarding bar and restaurant hours; this is starting tomorrow Thursday, March 10, 2022 at 6:00 pm.

The only remaining restriction in these communities is that the presentation of a vaccination card for access to nightclubs remains valid until March 14, 2022; the same for EPHAD and hospital access.

Regarding the conditions for participation in the SXM festival, from March 9 to March 13, 2022, in cooperation with the organizers of the event, all participants will be asked for a medical passport (proof of vaccination or negative test). If necessary, tests can be carried out on site, at the entrance to the site.

To (re)view the entire press conference

See also the joint press release of the prefecture and ARS Guadeloupe:

Guadeloupe Covid-19 Situation Update – Week 28 February to 6 March 2022 (Week 9).