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China promotes unity against the trend of bloc confrontation

“What the world needs most is unity and what must be avoided is division.” Whether it is a trade or technology war or decoupling and risk management, essentially economic and trade issues are being politicized, tooled and militarized said Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin.

The speaker responded in this way to a recent report from the International Monetary Fund that predicts a geopolitical divide in the global economy with countries leaning towards different groups, led by the United States and China.

Wang said the world cannot return to a state of mutual isolation and must not be “artificially divided.”

“Any practice that leads to confrontation, any bloc confrontation approach and any arrogant attitude of self-aggrandizement will not lead to good results,” he stressed.

According to the spokesman, the aim of politicizing economic issues and creating divisions is to hinder the development and progress of the huge emerging economies.

“This is neither ethical nor sustainable and will ultimately harm the overall interests of the international community and no country will be exempt,” he added.

Wang reiterated China's willingness to work with all parties to promote inclusive and fair economic globalization and firmly oppose anti-globalization and excessive securitization.

He also emphasized Beijing's opposition to all forms of unilateralism and protectionism, as well as its defense of equal rights, opportunities and rules for all nations.

As part of its foreign policy, the Asian giant has repeatedly emphasized the need for peaceful coexistence, respect, non-interference in internal affairs and mutually beneficial cooperation to create a community with a shared future.
