Friends the production against Luca Jurman He spit on us

Friends, the production against Luca Jurman: “He spit on us because he wanted to come back and we said no.” And that

Luca Jurman has made a lot of headlines in recent months, especially through his criticism of the casting show that made him known to television audiences, Friends. First, the use of autotune during challenges, which the coach felt was unfair to the singers who make sacrifices to achieve perfect pitch, then the “children and stepchildren” who would be protected from within. LDA, son of Gigi D'Alessio and former Amici candidate, had responded to the provocation, but Luca Jurman continued to throw dirt on the talent of Maria De Filippiso much so that production was forced to respond with a press release revealing that the former coach had asked to return to the program several times and, despite being blatantly denied the opportunity to do so, continued to feel bad about it expressed.

The press release

Paola Di Gesu, executive producer of Amici, responded to Luca Jurman's numerous allegations with a press release: “Whether we are talking about a TV show on the Internet or in newspapers, it is more than normal.” Whether it is being talked about because someone decides discrediting this program because it does not suit one's personal taste, it happens and, like any criticism, must be accepted. However, there is a limit…”

“For a month or more – the post continues – a former Amici vocal coach, Luca Jurman, has been desperate for visibility and tarnishing as much as possible a program he has asked to be a part of hundreds of times .”

From 2018 until a few months ago, he called dozens of times, sent many messages and tried in every possible way to be able to become part of the technical or artistic cast of Amici again. He personally came to the company's offices in Rome to propose himself and, in his opinion, demonstrate how wrong he was when he decided to make a “twist” at that point. Towards the end of an evening episode, live at the time, he stood up and – coincidentally already with his coat and bag under the chair – said live that he thought his work on “Amici” was finished (he had lost his last student). In the following days he tried in every possible way to retrace his steps, but we felt it was enough to end the relationship there and, with a lot of good manners, we told him that he could safely walk away from the contract that had instead Having to enter tied him up for a few more weeks. Everyone rightly has the freedom to make their own decisions and the decision to have Jurman among the trainers has already been repeatedly questioned by the production, as his methods are unclear for a number of reasons and for the artistic life of The students did not appear very functional. They usually part ways with all due respect to everyone. Instead, in his case, as can be seen from the social media where he spreads nonsense almost daily, it seems that the fact that he could not get to where he had explicitly, directly and personally asked to return led to him tarnishing, degrading and denigrating his intended goal. Won't you take me back? Then I will spit on you. (The Fox and the Grape…). This is Jurman, and that would be all if today he did not stubbornly deny that he asked to return and flatly deny that he proposed himself as a “tough judge” … Now we are not yet in A court and Text and audio messages sent cannot be displayed. But these messages are there and he knows it, so we are very patient, but why insist? We hope that with the same ease with which he sometimes even pontificates a little pointlessly on social media, he just wants to end it here and move on. With respect for everyone, even those who don’t have it for us.”

Luca Jurman's answer

After the press release, Luca Jurman couldn't help but respond to the allegations in his Instagram stories: “This is what happens when you try to side with the talent and fight for the meritocracy.” When it reaches this point it means we are doing the right thing and I hope their approach changes. I don't know at all who Paola Di Gesù is and I don't know her, and rest assured that I do not and never will return to Amici! Finally, don't worry, there will be a nice video response in the next few days.” All that remains is to wait for new updates and answers from both parties.

Last updated: Thursday, January 4, 2024, 5:06 p.m