1704424940 Secret Secret We want a third season – Le Soleil

Secret Secret: We want a third season – Le Soleil

Because François Pagé's spy series, which aired on Addik until December 20, has dealt us a highly explosive blow!

I devoured these 10 new episodes right up to the last one, absolutely breathtaking and full of adrenaline. Director Stéphan Beaudoin has outdone himself with more action scenes this season.

We remember that the first season left us with the seemingly gruesome death of Émile Darcy (Patrick Labbé), who had betrayed the Canadian security services.

Difficult mornings for his wife Rachel (Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin), who now heads the SSC, but also for his mother Maggie (France Castel) and his daughters (Mali Corbeil Gauvreau and Charlotte Bégin), who are groping in the dark.

The entire cast of this series is strong, starting with Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin in the role of the heroine, but I would like to highlight the immense talent of Madeleine Péloquin in the character of Valérie, this agent with an impenetrable shell that does not allow anyone to show emotions. Until the end, the actress played this complex and difficult role, leaving no doubt about her fighting skills!

By the way, in case you're wondering, the outdoor scenes with the Canadian hostages in the Maghreb were actually filmed in Morocco, which adds to the realism of the action.

But then the famous question: Will there be a third season?

The author François Pagé has well thought out a story around the character of Uncle Sergeï (Igor Ovadis), station chief of the Russian secret service, who we saw briefly this season.

Well, Quebecor Content has not yet released this third work. In addition, the channel is also exploring other series projects by François Pagé.

In the difficult environment of the television industry, project approvals will become less common in the future. Broadcasters take the time to only retain those they consider to be the best.

Some of us are still hoping for a sequel to Classé Secret.

Meanwhile, only Addik subscribers have access to the second season. The first season is available in its entirety on TVA+, as is the first episode of the second season.

The Emperor: Untouchable and manipulative

FYI: Four episodes of The Emperor season 2 have been released on Crave before airing on Noovo starting Wednesday, January 10 at 8 p.m. Potential attacker Christian Savard (Jean-Philippe Perras) continues to spin his web and it is devilishly effective.

Reported to the police by Manuela (Noé Lira), Christian is therefore in court at the beginning of the season.

These initial episodes illustrate how the presumption of innocence favors attackers who are able to manipulate the truth, while victims are required to have a perfect version of events.

“Rehabilitation, don’t you believe in it? Can't we have a second chance at life? asks Audrey (Madeleine Péloquin) for her husband Steve (Jean-François Nadeau), who is himself being manipulated by her own brother.

Christian (Jean-Philippe Perras) is reported to the police by Manuela and is therefore in court at the beginning of the season.

More arrogant than ever, Savard remains untouchable and continues to manipulate the true facts by blaming others and making those around him lie, sometimes without their knowledge.

Sometimes you will be shocked to see how the victims are treated. When one of them reports her tragedy to the police, the officer can only ask her the question: “Did you come?”

Along with Fugueuse, The Emperor is certainly Michelle Allen's most impressive work. The author takes a highly relevant look at a very current issue.

Something you have to see.

Bye bye on the rise

TV is bad, but Bye Bye still brings so many people together.

Although the 2023 edition increased its viewership, from 3,222,000 last year to 3,316,000 on Sunday evening alone. Its rebroadcast the next day attracted 850,000 people on ICI Télé.

According to preliminary data from Numeris, Infoman 2023 also benefited from an increase from 2,412,000 in 2022 to 2,750,000 this year, while 731,000 awaited resumption on Monday.

Simon Olivier Fecteau and Catherine Chabot play Justin Trudeau and Sophie Grégoire <i>Bye bye 2023</i>.” src=”https://lescoopsdelinformation-le-soleil-prod.web.arc-cdn.net/resizer/-2P83OEwYh_SbgyWRSgXZZDjJSY=/1440×0/filters:format(jpg):quality(100)/cloudfront-us-east -1.images.arcpublishing.com/lescoopsdelinformation/Q5A2IIHDBZEUHGRGQD4HZV2U2U.jpg” width=”1440″ height=”0″ loading=”lazy”/></p><p class=Simon Olivier Fecteau and Catherine Chabot play Justin Trudeau and Sophie Grégoire at Bye Bye 2023. (Radio-Canada)

Very slight decline at France Beaudoin, while Live from New Year's Day attracted 1,841,000 revelers, compared to 1,858,000 last year. On Monday, 677,000 watched the replay, a 17% increase from 2023.

See You Next Year, in turn, brought together 1,595,000 people Viewers, compared to 1,682,000 in 2022. The revival was seen by 196,000, still on ICI Télé.

My review of the year-end shows is here.

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