Jean Lapointe Foundation Goal of 1 million for the

Jean Lapointe Foundation | Goal of 1 million for the 28 Day No Alcohol Challenge, which will last 29 days

(Montreal) The 28 Day Alcohol Free Challenge will last 29 days for the 11th time this year.

Published at 8:46 am. Updated at 4:32 p.m.


Pierre Saint-Arnaud The Canadian Press

Although the name “28 Day Alcohol Free Challenge” is a registered trademark, the event adapts to the fact that 2024 is a leap year, while the month of February in which it takes place will last 29 days.

The Jean Lapointe Foundation, which organizes the challenge, launched its 11th edition on Thursday, inviting the population to take a break from consumption throughout the month of February.

“We are not here to judge”

The late Jean Lapointe's son, Jean-Marie Lapointe, who was among the speakers at the event, was pleased about the extra day in an interview with The Canadian Press: “I think it's a nice wink. I want to tell the people who are coming on board that I'm inviting them to do this for 29 days. But if you can't do it after 28, open the bottle of beer! »

“We're not here to judge, but I enjoy having the opportunity to take a stand on how I feel about my drinking for 28 days after the holidays. »

Goal: 1 million

The foundation's goal is to raise $1 million, specifically through $28 in individual registrations, to support addiction prevention efforts and treatment.

Jean-Marie Lapointe sees this as “a great opportunity to recognize all the benefits of a break from consumption for physical and mental health and at the same time to raise awareness among the population about addiction problems.”

The money raised will be used to support Maison Jean Lapointe, which works to prevent, raise awareness and treat addictions. It should be noted that the organization not only supports people in situations of dependency, but also supports their families and relatives.

To encourage participation, registrants will receive access to discounts from some of the Challenge's partners, who benefit from numerous corporate supports.

Éduc'alcool joins the project

The organization Éduc'alcool has also decided to become a partner of the event because it sees it as an initiative to raise awareness among the population “to make informed decisions regarding responsible consumption,” says its general director Geneviève Desautels. “By taking part in the 28-day challenge,” she adds, “participants will have the opportunity to examine their relationship with alcohol and find ways to find the right balance.” »

Jean-Marie Lapointe also strongly emphasizes that it is not about advocating abstinence, but simply taking a step back: “We are not encouraging you to stop drinking for the rest of your life, but just to observe yourself: like you “feel.” the first week, the first days without alcohol. It gives you a kind of introspection to see that, for example, on Friday night it's hard for me not to open my bottle of wine or not celebrate a promotion with a drink. »

This year the 28-day alcohol-free challenge will take place from February 1st to 29th.

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