Overture the American little Concorde will fly in 2024

Overture, the American “little Concorde”, will fly in 2024

Artist's impression of Overture, an aircraft presented as environmentally friendly. Aerospace boom

The American company Boom Aerospace will test its supersonic aircraft in the first quarter.

The time is approaching for the first launch of Overture, a supersonic aircraft presented as environmentally conscious by Boom Aerospace, its designer. The young American manufacturer, born in Denver (Colorado) in 2014, wants to provide a successor to the Concorde twenty years after the end of its commercial operation.

Boom plans to fly a technology demonstrator, the XB-1, in the first quarter of 2024. A large-scale test that will validate the performance of the new engine, called Symphony, as well as the aerodynamic behavior of the aircraft.


With this, the manufacturer completes preparations for this first flight after completing several phases in 2023, including taxi tests and engine tests. This is under the supervision of the American Aviation Safety Agency (FAA). The latter issued its certificate of airworthiness for XB-1 at the end of this first ground test campaign.

The Overture project is gaining momentum…

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