Chris Skidmore resigns over Sunak's oil and gas licensing plan – The Guardian

Chris Skidmore

The former minister is also stepping down as an MP, triggering a general election in his Kingswood constituency

A former Conservative minister has announced his resignation as an MP in protest at the party's pro-oil and gas push, setting up a difficult vote for the prime minister on the issue on Monday and an even more difficult by-election within weeks.

Chris Skidmore, a leading voice within the Tory party on green issues, said on Friday he would resign from Parliament over Rishi Sunak's bill allowing new oil and gas licenses to be granted when it returns next week.

Skidmore called the bill a “tragedy” and accused the prime minister of engaging in a course of action that is “wrong and will cause harm in the future.”

His resignation in Kingswood will trigger at least the eighth by-election in a year, with Labor looking to record another victory with a majority of 11,000 votes.

Skidmore said in his resignation statement: “This bill would actually allow for more frequent new oil and gas licenses and increased production of new fossil fuels in the North Sea.”

He added: “I can no longer tolerate or continue to support a government that is committed to a course of action that I know is wrong and will cause harm in the future.” Failure to act rather than just speak out , means tolerating a status quo that cannot be maintained. I am therefore renouncing my party leadership and instead intend to free myself from any party political affiliation.”

Skidmore was the energy secretary who signed former prime minister Theresa May's pledge to achieve net zero by 2050 into law. Most recently he led the government's net zero review, published in September 2022. He has criticized this government before, previously telling the Guardian that the Conservative Party was heading in a “very dark direction” when it came to misinformation and climate change.

The conservative party is moving in a “very dark direction,” says the former minister

Next week the government will introduce the offshore oil licensing bill in the House of Commons, which would allow more licenses to extract fossil fuels from the North Sea. The latest IPCC report makes it clear that no new fossil fuel projects can be opened, contradicting the recommendations of most of the world's leading climate scientists.

Labor intends to reject the bill in a vote on Monday, although the government is likely to win even without Skidmore's vote.

Ed Miliband, the shadow energy secretary, said: “Congratulations to Chris Skidmore for standing up to this desperate Conservative government.” Their irresponsible and reckless attempt to double the use of fossil fuels will not reduce bills, undermines energy security and is a climate catastrophe. That’s why Labor will vote against it on Monday.”

Zac Goldsmith, Conservative politician and environmental campaigner, said: “The party will need to regroup after Sunak brought it to its knees. Anyone who sees themselves as part of this future should think very carefully about supporting this nonsensical policy.”

Caroline Lucas, Green MP for Brighton Pavilion, said: “Memo to Rishi Sunak – this is what principled politics looks like.” It has been a real pleasure working with Chris Skidmore on climate and we will miss him greatly. This is a huge disgrace for a government that is making the most of its fossil fuels.”

Skidmore did not plan to stand as an MP in the next election as his constituency will be abolished in the upcoming boundary changes. He has not yet said what he plans to do, but he is believed to be in the running to chair the climate committee. However, as this position is chosen by Sunak, his appointment is considered unlikely.


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