Dog eats R$20,000 in cash and owner finds some of it in feces Minas State

A dog named Cecil ate almost R$20,000 in money that his owners left on a counter in the house where they live in Pennsylvania, USA.

At the end of December, couple Clayton and Carrie Law withdrew around R$20,000 (US$4,000) to start renovating their home in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

When they came from the bank, they left the money in an envelope on a counter in the apartment. Clayton said he left the room for a moment to run some errands and when he returned, Cecil was standing “on a pile of torn up money,” as he told NBC News.

At night, Clayton and Carrie heard the dog vomiting in the living room. Cecil had spit out some $50 and $100 bills that had crumbled as he chewed.

For three days, the couple collected chunks of money that the dog had ingested and excreted in its feces. According to Clayton, the pieces were disinfected and placed on a table so they could be assembled and “glued back together.”

Since American banks only accept the exchange of damaged banknotes that retain up to 50% of their structure, the couple managed to get back R$17,200 (US$3,550) of the R$20,000 (US$4,000) lost through the scribble ( as the Americans call “Dogs Mixed”) were destroyed (with poodles and other undefined breeds) weighing about 45 kilos.

The bank took care of our case very kindly. Officials said this is common because money takes on many flavors, especially when used in the food industry. I think dogs notice this they have a great sense of smell and something about that pile of money drove him crazy.

Carrie Law, Cecil's guardian