Thirty years after launching her career the stylist who made

Thirty years after launching her career, the stylist who made Elizabeth Hurley this dress has a few things to get rid of

Sometimes you get a whole different perspective on iconic moments in history when they're remembered not by the person in the spotlight, but by the person who was lying on the floor at the time with needles in their mouth. Also safety pins, usually the small, functional ones.

Dean Aslett – let's call him Mr. Safety Pin – isn't a household name, but as a celebrity stylist he's literally pinned the world's most famous people in their clothes.

One of his most vivid memories (and who would forget) is standing on his hands and knees in front of Diana, Princess of Wales at Kensington Palace, adjusting the skirt of her dress.

“That was a moment,” Aslett remembers. “When I arrived she was wearing her sweatpants but put the dress on and I checked the length.”

“I needed her to put these strappy shoes on, so I said, 'Just lean on my back,' so she did for balance. Strange where you end up in life.'

Even stranger is that Aslett – “an ordinary boy from Croydon, although I wanted to tell Princess Diana that I lived in Chelsea” – would one day help her son choose his clothes.

Around 2005, he worked as head of personal shopping at Selfridges and one of his most famous customers was Prince William.

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the premiere of the film Four Weddings and a Funeral, when Liz Hurley wore THIS dress

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the premiere of the film Four Weddings and a Funeral, when Liz Hurley wore THAT dress

Dean Aslett played a crucial role in the premiere.  At the time, he was in charge of women's fashion at the Versace store in London

Dean Aslett played a crucial role in the premiere. At the time, he was in charge of women's fashion at the Versace store in London

“I'd take him to do his Christmas shopping.” I got a call from special services, then met him in the parking lot and brought him in through the back entrance. “He was nothing like his mother, not as friendly and much more serious – actually an old head in young clothes.”

May I ask what the prince bought? Caviar, crystal, monogrammed towels?

“The royals are funny about their Christmas presents.” There was nothing special about them and nothing was very expensive. I can't say much, but it was mostly CDs and DVDs, things you bought yourself.

“I remember one year when he gave his grandmother, the Queen, a box of Dr. Who bought.'The doctor at the time was Christopher Eccleston.'

Blingier were Aslett's fashion days by far. He worked for Versace at a time when celebrities not only paid for their clothes (“These days celebrities expect them all to be free,” he says, appalled), but also paid for them in cash.

“When I was at Versace, Elton John came in with his manager, John Reid, with a suitcase full of cash chained to his arm or fastened with cufflinks. There was once 45,000 pounds in it.

“They got a discount – Elton got 35 percent – but he spent an outrageous amount.” He bought three of everything, one for each house. “One time I had to fly to Atlanta to pick up something he needed and come back that same evening.”

Elton wasn't even his biggest diva client. This award would go to actress Joan Collins.

“The ultimate diva,” he says. “You had to be careful with Joan. She was scary, scary.

“She had the mouth of Marilyn Monroe, but the eyes of Caligula.” And that tongue was so sharp that people feared she would cut her own throat with it. I've been on the receiving end of this a few times.

“Once we were having dinner in Barbados and I was sitting next to my friend and former boss, the designer Antony Price.

Aslett's boss told him that Hugh Grant had contacted her in a panic and asked if Versace could lend his then-girlfriend, the then-unknown actress Liz Hurley, a dress for that evening

Aslett's boss told him that Hugh Grant had contacted her in a panic and asked if Versace could lend his then-girlfriend, the then-unknown actress Liz Hurley, a dress for that evening

Liz Hurley squeezed her curves into a little black dress seemingly held together with hope and 24 giant safety pins - and a star was born

Liz Hurley squeezed her curves into a little black dress seemingly held together with hope and 24 giant safety pins – and a star was born

Aslett said the dress fit Hurley perfectly,

Aslett said the dress fit Hurley perfectly, “which was a good thing because there wouldn't have been time to make adjustments.”

“Joan decided she wanted to be next to him.” “Move. “Move, now,” she said. She could be incredibly rude. I ended up next to Lord and Lady Bamford, which wasn't the worst result, but that was Joan.'

While we return to Aslett's rather delicious showbiz shopping revelations, the reason for this interview is that this year marks the 30th anniversary of the premiere of the film Four Weddings and a Funeral, an event in which Aslett (and some huge… Safety pins) played a central part.

At the time, he was head of women's fashion at the Versace store in London when his boss informed him that actor Hugh Grant had contacted them in a panic, asking if Versace had something for his then-girlfriend, an unknown actress named Liz Hurley could borrow. a dress for this evening.

They were due to attend the premiere of his new film and Grant suggested that Versace might want to help boost British cinema.

Aslett sniffles. “We didn’t just borrow clothes like that back then, and she was a nobody, but I remember he asked us to send them something.”

“I said that wasn't possible due to time constraints and that we could only lend a limited amount without them having to buy it.

“Anyway, I invited her in and had to show her around the workshop and politely say that she couldn't have any of those dresses because she would have to pay for them. Then we put her in this dress and the rest is history.”

Up to a point. We all know Liz Hurley squeezed her curves into a little black piece, seemingly held together with hope and 24 giant safety pins – and a star was born.

“She was all over the newspapers, she covered the Estee Lauder campaign.” Her career took off. “Without that dress, none of this would have happened,” Aslett says.

He adds that for many years he was secretly proud of his own unsung role. Not only did this dress make Hurley a star, it also made Versace a must-wear brand with a whole new clientele.

“I mean, it was pure coincidence.” She only picked this dress because it was one of the few press samples we had, and it was actually only there because most people didn't have the right shape for it and it had a tricky zipper.

“But it was a perfect fit for Liz Hurley, which was a good thing because there wouldn't have been time to make adjustments.

“I don't think that's what they would have chosen either.” I think she would have preferred an Amanda Wakeley. “We were at the bottom of the list because no one else wanted to lend to them.”

Out of interest: Did he like the dress? “Well, I don't want to be disingenuous, but let's just say I wasn't interested in this safety pin collection.” At the time, Versace was very successful. . . common denominator, cheeky, sexy.

Gianni Versace (left) with Joan Collins at the opening of the new Versace store in London in May 1992

Gianni Versace (left) with Joan Collins at the opening of the new Versace store in London in May 1992

Sir Elton John arrived at the Versace store with his manager John Reid (left), “who had a suitcase full of cash chained to his arm or fastened with cufflinks.”

Sir Elton John arrived at the Versace store with his manager John Reid (left), “who had a suitcase full of cash chained to his arm or fastened with cufflinks.”

“A little too sexy if you ask me.” More lady of the night. He [Gianni Versace] “Could be very elegant, but this was a different direction.”

But Hurley looked really hot in it. 'Oh wonderful. It fit like a glove. As she came out of the dressing room, Hugh Grant raised an eyebrow in a “That's a daring dress” kind of way. But they went along with it. Like I said, they didn’t have much of a choice.”

At the time, he thought Liz was pretty cute. Less so Hugh Grant, who he claims took a call while Liz was busy in the dressing room (presumably it took a while, what with those safety pins).

“I'm afraid Hugh Grant's behavior at the time was absolutely appalling.” He was hopping from one foot to the other on one of those brick mobiles.

“He screamed ‘f***, f***, f***’ into it. I don't know what the conversation was about, but it was no way to behave in a studio showroom where Princess Diana was being cared for. If a customer came in and witnessed this…

“He was a bit intimidating. I was 23, but if I was as old as I am now, I would have thrown him out.”

What angers Aslett is that in recent years a different version of what happened that day has been told again and again.

He is particularly upset that Hurley and Grant's accounts indicate that the dress was sent to them by Versace in a tote bag and was casually tried on in their modest apartment, which lacked a full-length mirror.

An affront to the fashion expert who remembers mirrors everywhere!

“It is true that the dress left our store in a white carrier bag. I was going to put it in one of our black velvet ribbon bags, but my boss said, “You’ve done enough for her.” Just put it in a bag.”

“But the assembly was definitely carried out in the workshop. And Hugh Grant was definitely there because his behavior always influenced my view of him.”

But another report from Hurley actually mentions going to the store. Maybe this is just a false memory?

Aslett cites a more recent interview in which Hurley said that no one in England had heard of Versace at the time.

'Ridiculous! Why is she trying to reframe this story? “Versace was the most famous designer in the world.”

What there is to discover and what a fascinating example of how different memories can be, as the Queen once said.

What is undeniable, however, is that Aslett had the most extraordinary life.

The son of a mechanical engineer, he believes he inherited his showbiz side from his mother, who ran a dance school.

Aslett dressed everyone from members of Duran Duran (pictured) to European royals, with some A-listers easier to handle than others

Aslett dressed everyone from members of Duran Duran (pictured) to European royals, with some A-listers easier to handle than others

Another highlight of this era was meeting David Bowie.  'He said "Hello, I am David".  He wasn't Star Man.  He was just an ordinary guy from Bromley.

Another highlight of this era was meeting David Bowie. “He said, ‘Hello, I’m David’. He wasn't Star Man. He was just an ordinary guy from Bromley.

He also met David Beckham, who he described as a

He also met David Beckham, who he described as a “really nice guy”. Down to earth. Has never changed'

He and his identical twin brother became involved in the entertainment industry as children, both working as models for magazines and television commercials, “one for Carnation Milk.”

He got his first break in the fashion world when he was hired by designer Antony Price.

“One of the things I did that others in the shop didn't do was learn to tack, which proved to be very valuable. When customers came to try on things, I was able to help.”

Price was celebrated as both an image maker and a designer, but had old-fashioned construction standards (“Exquisite. There were no problems with the zipper on his dresses. They could have been designed by Brunel”).

He dressed everyone from members of Duran Duran to European royals, with some A-listers easier to handle than others.

“Jonny Mathis was the dream.” He came in, bought a suit and ordered half a dozen more in different fabrics. “We had them shipped to him in Honolulu.”

Here Aslett was allowed to help his idol, the singer Bryan Ferry, get dressed. “A real gentleman.” I was in awe, but he was great. I remember playing football with his children in his garden.”

Another highlight of this era was meeting David Bowie. “He said, ‘Hello, I’m David’. He wasn't Star Man. “He was just an ordinary guy from Bromley.”

Aslett moved from Antony Price to Versace. “Very chic. It was all Eltons and sheiks with money in Sainsbury's carrier bags.'

He then moved to Gucci and at the same time began a career as a personal shopper and stylist at Selfridges. There he not only helped Prince William buy TV boxes, but also met his old friend Liz Hurley.

“She said, ‘How do I know you, darling?’ and I said, ‘I’m Dean. I put you in this dress.” Her face just fell. “It would have been nice to get a hug, but she just went cold.”

Margaret Thatcher was also cold. Wait, Dean. Have you pinned Ms. T? “Oh no, I didn't dress her, I was at an event at 10 Downing Street with Antony Price, but I don't think she liked people in the fashion industry.”

He believes she particularly disliked gay men in fashion, which he was too. “A lot of women flirt, but that doesn’t work for queens and it doesn’t work for us either.”

Racing through Aslett's career is like taking a repeat course in celebrity culture. He remembers the 1990s when the then footballers “Graeme Sounesses and Paul Inces” bought Versace “in droves”.

One of his most vivid memories is of standing on his hands and knees in front of Diana, Princess of Wales, at Kensington Palace, adjusting the skirt of her dress

One of his most vivid memories is of standing on his hands and knees in front of Diana, Princess of Wales, at Kensington Palace, adjusting the skirt of her dress

Around 2005, he worked as head of personal shopping at Selfridges and one of his most famous customers was Prince William

Around 2005, he worked as head of personal shopping at Selfridges and one of his most famous customers was Prince William

“It's funny because now the footballers are pop stars, but back then they were a bit stupid.” “Many didn't even get discounts.”

Then a certain soccer player named David Beckham entered the scene “and everything changed.” Did he meet him? Of course he did.

“Really nice guy. Down to earth. Never changed.' Victoria? “I first remember her coming into the Gucci store around 1996, wearing this long leather coat, like you were stepping off a market stall. But both she and David were very nice to me.

“I met her a few years later and she was…pretty great, a bit Anna Wintour.” Dark sunglasses. People change. You see that a lot.'

Aslett must also have observed questionable behavior. We can't reveal the name of the star whose check bounced when she tried to buy shoes. Or the serial returnee (who is a national treasure).

“Versace never did returns, but she came with things she bought in Milan and we had to return them.” We suspected they were worn.

“Once, when I was working as a personal shopper, she asked me to send her a dress and then sent it back saying it wasn't right. I opened OK! A few weeks later she appeared in the magazine and there she was wearing it.'

One gets the impression that the fashion world has rather chewed up Aslett and spit him out. He still works occasionally as a stylist, but has returned to his first love, music, which he says is not as unusual as it seems.

“It was music that got me into fashion in the first place,” he says.

His anger at how this world has changed cannot have been tempered by the shocking murder of Gianni Versace by serial killer Andrew Cunanan, who subsequently took his own life.

Aslett and Versace were not friends, but by chance Aslett was on vacation in Miami in 1997 and met Gianni in the foyer of a cinema.

“One of those random coincidences.” He couldn’t place me. I said, “Dean, from the London store!” and he said “La Deana!” He had a penchant for feminizing names.

“We were chatting and he said I should come over for an aperitif the next weekend. The next day at my hotel I turned on the news and there it was on the screen. Gianni Versace is dead.'

He gave testimony to the FBI. He shakes his head at the conspiracy theories that have circulated since then.

“I don't know anything about that.” “I'm a man who sells clothes and fits them to glamorous women.”

Even with these pins he still has a good hand. We end with him recalling the social wedding where he had to walk down the stairs of the Dorchester Hotel behind a bride and make an emergency repair on location while the cameras went crazy.

“It was close. Her mother had said she would slap me if anything went wrong, but the bride was wearing this cropped jacket, worn backwards, and the button had come off.

“If it had fallen off her, she would have stepped on it, otherwise we would all have fallen down the stairs.” He shudders. What saved the day? A reliable safety pin, of course.