We cant ask the Prime Minister to stay in his

“We can’t ask the Prime Minister to stay in his basement with four liters of water listening to Ciné-Cadeau” –

Justin Trudeau took a vacation to Jamaica with his family, which once again caused controversy.

• Also read: A “free” trip to Jamaica for Trudeau and his family

• Also read: Justin Trudeau's plane crashes abroad again

Recall that last year the Prime Minister spent a similar vacation on the Caribbean island with his family, the cost of which was about $ 160,000 and caused a real uproar.

In recent days, the prime minister's office initially said that Mr. Trudeau was covering the cost of the trip himself, but then corrected the situation on Friday, clarifying that the family had stayed at a luxury property for free.

Conservative MP Luc Berthold condemned the situation.

“After eight years of Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister has not only proven that he is out of touch, but also that he has become an expert in free luxury vacations!” Why did you wait until you were caught in the act to get it to admit?” he wrote on the X platform.

Analyst Yasmine Abdelfadel does not share Mr. Berthold's outrage. She recalls that the Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Officer was consulted before the trip to ensure compliance with the applicable rules.

“Once these rules are established and respected, I think we need to ensure that people live equally,” she argued.

Marc-André Leclerc agrees.

“We can’t ask the prime minister to stay in his basement with four liters of water listening to Ciné-Cadeau,” he says.

The family's whereabouts were not specified.

Mr. Trudeau traveled to Jamaica on December 26 with his former partner Sophie Grégoire and their children. They were due to return to the country this Thursday.