1704508947 Ecuador expresses condolences to Iran after terrorist attack photos

Ecuador expresses condolences to Iran after terrorist attack (+photos)

This Friday, a book of condolence was opened at Tehran's diplomatic headquarters in Quito, in which Ecuadorians and representatives of other nations expressed their messages of support for the Persian country after the attack in the city of Kerman during the commemoration of the fourth anniversary of the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani.

    In Ecuador they express their condolences to Iran after the terrorist attack    In Ecuador they express their condolences to Iran after the terrorist attack

Among those who visited the Iranian embassy were the head of the Cuban mission in Ecuador, Basilio Gutiérrez; Citizen Revolution deputy José Agualsaca; and members of social groups such as the Coordinator for Peace, Sovereignty, Integration and Non-Intervention.

The explosions occurred on January 3 on a path leading to the cemetery where General Soleimani, former head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' Quds Force, is buried.

The event sparked international excitement and statements from various governments; However, the Ecuadorian executive has not yet commented publicly on the event.

As this Wednesday marks the fourth anniversary of Soleimani's assassination, Ambassador Pabarja remembered him as a “hero and martyr in the fight against terrorism.”

    In Ecuador they express their condolences to Iran after the terrorist attack    In Ecuador they express their condolences to Iran after the terrorist attack

The United States believed that with their physical disappearance the resistance movement against interventionism would be weakened, but they fertilized the resistance and we can see it today in the people of Gaza under the bombings and heinous crimes of the Zionist regime, the diplomat said.
