and Passion After trying to stop the wedding Luigi almost

and Passion: After trying to stop the wedding, Luigi almost died Splash

At Petra's instigation, Luigi decides to stop the ceremony. “But if you really love her, you should go there and fight for her. Stop Anely from marrying this boy she barely knows. Is that it or not?” the girl thinks and convinces Anely’s lover.

Emengarda's son (Claudia Raia) stands up when the priest asks if anyone present is against the couple's union. “If anyone here knows of a reason why this couple should not be united in holy matrimony, speak now…or remain silent forever,” the man of God pleads.

At that moment, Luigi has a coughing fit and feels very unwell. “He will die! Luigi will die!” screams Petra.

The bride goes to the boy's ear and whispers something to him. “If you stop coughing, I promise I’ll give you some hefty pocket money. Take it or leave it!” he promises.

Suddenly the fraudster is fine. “I apologize! It’s over!” he says, recovering as the wedding returns.

Anely and Natercinho get married. Even after his lover's promise, Luigi cries in the gutter and is supported by Petra. “I lost Anely! I lost the love of my life,” he says, crying.