Sensitive reveals the main obstacles of each sign Check yours

Sensitive reveals the main obstacles of each sign; Check yours and be safe! Competition announcement for Brazil

The horoscope reveals important events that reflect on the future of a particular sign. In this case, Márcia Sensitiva decided to communicate the first diagnosis of the year, given the greatest difficulties in the coming months.

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Therefore, it is important to be aware of the risks that affect feelings of fulfillment and prosperity. After all, it is sometimes difficult to recognize the signs of the evil eye, envy and other negative influences that lead to spiritual wear and tear.

Márcia Sensitiva points out the reason for concern about her zodiac sign


Firstly, Aryans have a competitive spirit and this week will be marked by a peak at work. Although it represents an opportunity to stand out, it is advisable to control your own interests. However, patience avoids conflicts with colleagues, superiors or customers and leads to balance.


Secondly, the Taurus zodiac sign is practical and prefers to stay in their comfort zone. This is why fear of taking risks often leads to stagnation, especially in your career. Therefore, it is advisable to put aside limiting beliefs and convey valuable ideas through communication.


As for Gemini, their habit of trying everything reflects a curious attitude that deserves admiration. However, the lack of focus due to superficiality affects development in certain aspects. Therefore, it is important to think before acting and create a realistic plan to be implemented in the long term.


Cancer sufferers show sensitivity and love to spend a lot of time close to family and friends. On the other hand, desperation for attention and fear of disappointment trigger exaggerated affectionate reactions. So focusing on improving selfesteem means dedicating yourself to yourself and not to others.


Leos are creative and love to show off their successes. They shine in any situation that requires attention. Since vanity often turns into arrogance, it's worth giving your colleagues space. In other words, replacing egocentrism with values ​​that embrace empathy prevents isolation.


Virgo people think of themselves as intelligent and perfectionistic and may have little social energy. They show exhaustion especially when they are exposed to extensive social activities. And the solution lies in the ability to prioritize without becoming irritated in the face of unforeseen events.


Libra people try to be diplomatic and win hearts by indulging in passion. Except for times when they feel free, Libras have an ambitious attitude. While ambition destroys trust in professional relationships, it is necessary to check dishonest behavior.


Scorpios are intense and get used to feeling strong emotions until they realize that harmony is important. Therefore, indecision whether to live in love or pursue a career dominates your thoughts. It is likely that he will learn to balance his efforts and manage his time according to his needs.


Sagittarians probably want to continue having unforgettable adventures. This desire for more freedom also requires responsibility, including in the financial area. Although it may be difficult at first, committing to a routine actually has positive consequences.


Capricorns are goaloriented and hate to lose, which is why they adopt an obsessive nature. In principle this is a desirable quality, but it is a repetitive idea. In short, without adequate rest, the symptoms of anxiety and stress remain, making the body and mind sick.


Without a doubt, Aquarians experience episodes of rebellion that bring innovation. For example, they become obsessed with a project and do not give up until they achieve a satisfactory result. In this way, he ends up distancing himself from everyone, without realizing the consequences of missing the opportunity to strengthen friendships.


Finally, Pisces dream and romanticize various topics that require critical consideration. Dreaming is beautiful, but idealism prevents us from interpreting reality. In this sense, it is better to avoid fantasies so as not to be frequently disappointed when building emotional bonds.