Big Brother a sentence by Garibaldi about gays causes an.webp

Big Brother, a sentence by Garibaldi about gays causes an uproar TorreSette

Annalisa Accardo

Extremely exciting evening in the Big Brother House. One sentence out Giuseppe GaribaldiIn fact, it caused a new uproar. As colleagues from report, the Calabrian caretaker has a say Stefano Miele – said he had a lot of gay friends, and that annoyed the designer: “You don't say, 'I have a lot of gay friends like you.'” I don't come to you and tell you, “I have a lot of straight or blonde friends.” There is no need to specify this because homosexuality has no different characteristics than others and there is no need to bring people together. It is you who changes yourself. And when Anita defends you by saying you're from a small town, she's calling you ignorant. When you say that you also have gay friends, you highlight a difference. As if a group of people are different than straight people, when in reality we are all human.

Garibaldi He tried to defend himself and even brought it up Beatrice Luzzi and the accusations of chauvinism: “I said it to give an example that there is nothing wrong with what I say. You told me that sometimes I should say “person” instead of the word “man” and that's why I wanted to tell you that I don't have any problems with anyone. I explained to you that I have all kinds of friendships, even gay ones. You assume I don't have to tell you this. You get into an argument and I don't like it. You are looking for an explanation for this argument, which I believe was fed to you some time ago by someone, I don't know who. For example, when they associated me with chauvinism.”

Anita Olivieri She intervened in Giuseppe's defense: “He doesn't do it with negative intentions. We're talking about a person who, like me, comes from a small town and knows how to deal with things. He always stayed in his context. I'm not saying he's ignorant! Can a person who lives on a mountain with three sheep and two people be expected to know how to use the verb man? I know Giuseppe, where he lives and how he lived. When you find Heidi in the little village on the mountain, do you expect her to speak like someone from London or Milan?!”