In 1960, seven years before the world plunged headfirst into flower power, American psychoanalyst AS Neill published a text that would revolutionize the way children would be raised in the future: Free Children of Summerhill.
This bestseller, which sold more than 400,000 copies and was inspired by experiments carried out in a self-governing school in suburban London, claimed that this was the best way to ensure that children became “emancipated”, “autonomous” adults and Becoming “creative” was to let them be free.
Free as water.
Free as air.
Free like a hippie running naked through a dandelion field in Val-David.
Discipline is bad!
Here are some excerpts from this book that has thrilled every marijuana smoker on the planet…
“The meaning of life is the pursuit of happiness.”
“Children only learn what they want. Grades and exams simply deviate from the natural development of their personality.”
“The formation of a child’s character leads to fear and hatred.”
“The child should never be forced to do something until he or she has come up with the idea that he or she must do it.”
“A child’s happiness and well-being depend on the recognition they receive.”
“Parental authority is just hatred in disguise.”
“Finding satisfaction in one’s own ego is a vital need for children.”
“In a home where the child is independent from the beginning of life, discipline is not necessary.”
“Love means being on each other’s side. Love is consent.”
“School restricts children’s emotional lives and their creative inclinations. It trains them to obey all dictators and all bosses they will encounter throughout their lives.
“No one has the right to force a child to study this or that subject, because learning is a matter of individual choice.”
In short, you see the guy.
The best way to raise a child is to let them do what they want, when they want, and approve of everything they do.
Like Caillou's mother!
Free the parents!
This book, published 64 years ago, is now forgotten.
Who reads it these days? Person!
But the theories he defended are now adopted by most parents, who are happy to know that the best way to raise their child is to stare at a screen and smile stupidly at the top of his lungs screams and acts like it annoys everyone.
“Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose,” sang Janis Joplin.
Well, freedom is now just another word for, “I don’t have to worry about my child because the less I do, the better.”
The author of Free Children of Summerhill did not “free” the children. He “released” the parents from their responsibilities.
He told them, “The more you eat your donut, the more your child will become a fulfilled adult.”
Isn't that nice?
Result: We end up with little kings who view work as a form of oppression and see microaggressions everywhere.
Thank you, Mr Neill!