At least three people were seriously injured in a Ukrainian attack on the Russian city of Belgorod on the same night that air defense forces shot down a dozen air targets. Belgorod Region Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov stated that the injured were in intensive care and their condition was stable while they were receiving “all necessary medical care,” as stated via his Telegram channel. He also indicated that a door-to-door check will be carried out in the morning in the districts where the shrapnel from the crashed plane fell. “We will try to document the damage as quickly as possible and begin the cleanup,” he added. Hours earlier, Gladkov noted that the air defense system worked over the Belgorod region and shot down at least ten objects, but two residential buildings and seven vehicles were damaged in the city. In recent weeks, attacks have increased in this area of the country near the border with Ukraine, forcing the governor to extend school holidays in several places for security reasons.