MasterChef all of Italy devastated by the disappearance of the

MasterChef, all of Italy devastated by the disappearance of the popular face: mourning for the entire staff iFood

MasterChef studiesThe MasterChef studios (Photo by Ansa)

His death was so sudden that everyone was shocked. He was so full of life that it's hard to believe he died.

This made him one of the most popular faces on the show It was a real shock for everyone to learn of his death.

Nobody was ready to say goodbye to him and even less so for his family, who suddenly had to endure enormous pain. Above all, they found it even harder to accept his passing, and it was particularly difficult for them his three children Francesco, Michela and Sara, who suddenly found each other again having to grow up without a father.

Who knows if they will ever recover from this trauma. What happened is really shocking and it happened in a certain way so sudden that at first it was even difficult to achieve it. That's also one of the things that hurts the most, the fact that it wasn't possible nothing to revive him, to save himbecause it suddenly went out.

Not even 118's intervention was helpful to save him because he was already dead when his family found his unconscious body. The heart attack had already taken him away.

Many expressions of sadness and condolences for the deceased

There were many Condolence messages who expressed their sadness over his death. Many of these came from MasterChef contestantsboth from those who participated in its edition and from those of the previous and subsequent seasons of the program.

This includes messages from Delia, Rundo and Marco who showed theirs Pain and dismay at loss. The production of MasterChef also expressed its pain and wanted to say goodbye to its beloved competitor: “It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to Paolo Armando, the emerging chef of the fourth edition of MasterChef Italia.

Paolo ArmandoPaolo Armando – (Facebook photo)

The sudden disappearance of the MasterChef “tiger”.

On MasterChef he was known as “the Tiger” because he was so full of life that was the only thing you could call him. During the program, his persistence had allowed him to get to the point MasterChef semi-finalsalthough his compassion had allowed him to do so Break into everyone's heart. But then he died at the age of 49, leaving behind an unbridgeable gap

Even today, two years later He finds it difficult to accept his death.

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