1704815548 Sofia Vergara Nadal Parera or when you underestimate the person

Sofía Vergara Nadal Parera, or when you underestimate the person in front of you

Sofia Vergara Nadal Parera or when you underestimate the person

Before Sofía Vergara Nadal Parera held the title and answered Pablo Motos' questions, a lot happened to the woman from Barranquilla. At 19 she became a mother, she gave the child the name Manolo in homage to the film “Scarface”, one of her brothers was murdered in Colombia and she fled to Miami with her entire family. They laughed at her accent at the castings, they imagined what she wasn't when they saw her showing off her body – because in the 21st century there are still men whose C-cup bra asks them , I don't know what -, They were taken aback by her intention to become an actress. She was accused of fame stealing when she was photographed leaving a restaurant with Tom Cruise.

Prejudice, gossip and various bitches until she landed the role of Gloria in the series Modern Family, which brought her fame and award nominations and filled her wallet in the process.

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What this means to say is that Vergara is a doctor with honors in Machirulos, in funny gas station tapes, that she is back and reacting faster than any of us, average mortals. What I'm trying to say is that you should never underestimate the person in front of you. It can win you elections or send you home crying when it's all over.

Sofía Vergara had fun and how, this Monday in El Hormiguero.

The woman from Barranquilla is menopausal, she says her age when it leaves her focus and she doesn't look for compliments or light applause. “Did you drink a lot this Christmas?” they ask him. “Not as much as I would have liked,” he replies. He tells the moderator that if he wants less general answers, he should ask more specific questions. He trolls and shoots at the slightest moment when he senses that they're laughing at his accent when he speaks English, something that must have happened to him a million times, I don't know. What actually happens in Spain is the very stupid thing of making fun of someone who speaks much better English than us. “Languages, my dear,” as Aramís Fuster would say.

Remember, she was nominated for the Emmys, the Golden Globes and the SAGs. He comes to promote Griselda, a series he produces and stars in. He questions whether the presenter saw the whole thing and corrects him when he says the wrong last name. “Any more questions, Miss?” says the show’s host, quickly and confusedly from the start of the conversation.

“You keep saying strange things,” he tells her almost at the end, when Vergara has placed all the goods she wanted and, in addition to the series, told us that her company's makeup is what she wears, just like the jeans are that, what she wears and The only thing she wears are her eyelashes. And from that moment on, we all look for the names of their companies to buy everything they sell. Because in such a situation you do what is necessary as long as you are not starving.

He laughs at everyone and does good things. A little of his manager, a little of his American colleagues determined to lose weight and torture themselves with impossible, serious characterizations; She says she wants a boyfriend who has kids and money because she doesn't plan on giving Manolo a little brother and she doesn't seem to want to be anyone's bizum either.

Although my favorite moment, and it's hard for me to choose, is when the host tells him in a very special kindly way: “I'm impressed by the chemistry you have with women.” Let's see if Sofia won't be the one who won't stop saying stupid things, I mean “weird things”.

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