Itamaraty reported that it is investigating a report of the kidnapping of a Brazilian man in Ecuador and is trying to investigate the circumstances of the incident with local authorities.
Police and military patrol the streets in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Photo: Romina Duarte/Agencia Press South/Getty Images
In the midst of a crisis in a foreign country, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced through the embassy in Quito on Tuesday evening the 9th that it was monitoring a Report on the kidnapping of a Brazilian in Ecuador. Itamaraty said he was in contact with his family and was trying to investigate the circumstances of the incident with local authorities.
The ministry cannot provide further details about the registration since “in accordance with the right to privacy and the provisions of the Law on Access to Information and Decree 7,724/2012, detailed information may only be disclosed with the consent of those involved.”
“Therefore, the MRE will not be able to provide concrete data on individual cases of assistance to Brazilian citizens,” Itamaraty concludes in a statement.
Minutes earlier, Itamaraty had issued a press release saying it was following with concern “acts of violence committed by organized criminal groups in several cities in Ecuador.”
The Ministry provided the consular service contact for Brazilian citizens in Ecuador. You can even contact us via WhatsApp on +55 61 982600610.
Source: Redação Terra