1704890066 This is Gabriel Attal France39s youngest and openly gay prime

This is Gabriel Attal, France's youngest (and openly gay) prime minister: He is 34 years old, the son of a film producer and married to an MEP Vanity Fair

Gabriel Attal.

Gabriel Attal.


French politics has suffered a major shock. After 20 months without a parliamentary majority Elisabeth Borne She resigned as prime minister on Monday. On Tuesday the President Emmanuel Macron announced Gabriel Attal as his deputy. At just 34 years old, Attal is both the youngest person in this position and the youngest active leader. But who is this charismatic politician and how did he get to his current position?

Who is your family?

Attal was born in Paris in 1989. His parents are the lawyer and film producer Yves Attal already Marie de Couriss. His father, who died in 2015, was of Tunisian-Jewish descent, while his mother emigrated to France from Odessa (Ukraine). Attal also has three younger sisters.

Where do I study?

Attal attended the renowned Parisian private school École Alsacienne, which costs more than a thousand euros per semester. After completing his high school studies, he entered the University of Paris-Panthéon-Assas, where he completed his law degree. He later completed postgraduate studies in public affairs at Sciences Po. Coincidentally, it is the same university that his future boss, President Macron, attended. He completed his studies in 2012.

As Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal will now be Emmanuel Macron's right-hand man.

As Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal will now be Emmanuel Macron's right-hand man.


What other political positions have you held?

After graduating from university, he completed an internship for in 2012 Marisol Touraine, then Minister of Health. Between 2006 and 2016 he was a member of the Socialist Party, but changed parties and joined Macron's party En Marche! at. (later called Renaissance). He held his first political office in 2017 in the National Assembly, the lower house of the French Parliament. His first official position for the party itself was that of speaker in 2018.

He has also held positions as government spokesman and minister for public action and accounting. Prior to his appointment as Prime Minister, he served as Minister for National Education since June 2023.

Announcing his appointment, the president wrote of the social network and boldness: “At the service of the nation and the French.”