Eddy Martens shocking revelation from Clerici quotI went back with

Eddy Martens, shocking revelation from Clerici: "I went back with him" | But it seemed to be over forever iFood

Eddy Martens and Antonella ClericiEddy Martens and Antonella Clerici – IFood.it (Facebook photo)

It seemed as if it was over between the two, but then Antonella Clerici's words raised some doubts. So are they together or not?

Your history it seemed like a closed chapteras everyone was convinced that they had finally broken up, but then the words of Antonella Clerici they gave reason several doubts about it.

It's really again together with Eddy Martens? From his words, it seems that this is exactly how things went, but it's hard to believe that Antonella Clerici and Eddy Martens are together again.

Not only have the two not been together for years, but they have also been together over time found new partners. Eddy Martens, for example, was engaged to him for several years Carmen Carrascowhile Antonella Clerici became partner of instead Vittorio Garrone.

Then how is it possible that Eddy Martens and Antonella Clerici are together again? What Antonella Clerici said It is really incredible.

Words that are hard to believe

It's really hard to believe what Antonella Clerici said, but after what the presenter revealed during the interview an interview, it seems that she and her ex-partner Eddy Martens are back together.

This is what he said to Il Mattino: “I have always made decisions from the bottom of my heart and communicated them. I fight for my feelings and that's how it was with Eddy's story, the most important one. They ask me: He's back, he's not back, but what is he doing? And that is why I say that we are always on trial and will be so throughout our lives. I'm back with him, but I'm no longer his geisha.“There would be no doubt about her flashback if it weren't for one small detail that disproves everything.

Antonella ClericiAntonella Clerici – IFood.it (Photo by Ansa)

A true but outdated statement

The interview that Antonella Clerici gave to Il Mattino is real and what he said about Eddy Martens is true, but This revelation comes from 2013the year in which there had been a back and forth between her and Eddy Martens, which had led to the couple breaking up and getting back together.

In fact, it's the two of them finally left in 2016. Nevertheless, they continue to maintain an excellent relationship, which should also guarantee their daughter Maelle a happy childhood.

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