Prohiben en Francia manifestaciones frente al Consejo Constitucional

In Nicaragua they remember the return of the Sandinista government to power

During her daily speech to the Citizen Power media, the Vice President noted that the Nicaraguan people are full of faith and love, affirming that they live in times of peace and victories.

“This people of ours who have fought to have peace (…) and to vibrate in harmony with the good hearts and good will, the good hope that exists in so many parts of the world where people fight for victory “, he explained.

The senior leader of the Sandinistas alluded to the journey they have traveled, noting that they were inspired by the great struggles they experienced for love and described each courageous moment in which they had to play the leading role as a glorious story.

“A story that inspires and moves us forward every day, that strengthens us through the example of so many people, so many families, who have given everything to live as we do today, in peace, in calm, in security and forward,” he emphasized.

Murillo pointed to the schools built in the first phase of the revolution and how opponents of the process worked to destroy everything.

“Everything was built to improve life, and evil, perversity, the same demons with masks and costumes, perhaps different every moment, came to destroy what was built,” he recalled.

He added that after many battles, Nicaragua has reached a new moment and the enemies have sown hatred and terror, evil, malice, bad heart, selfishness, avarice, greed and servility.

“17 years ago we fought, won and started building again to live, to live better, and that is what we did and it is worth it,” he emphasized.

The Vice President highlighted the achievements in this second phase of the Sandinista Revolution, which returned to the population the right to free public education and healthcare, in addition to the construction of houses and hospitals, the construction and expansion of roads and other projects aimed at developing the country's economy and the fight against poverty.

“(…) Here we go, we know that there are always difficult and difficult paths, but hey, with the light of this powerful, universal spirit, this impressive energy that fills our Nicaragua, we are capable, coherent, consistent and outstanding. “Everyone is determined to move forward and consolidate the peace and well-being of Nicaraguan families,” he said.

On the other hand, he pointed out that there are those who believe that, clothed in false holiness, they will continue to deceive, since holiness is a serious matter and difficult to achieve.

How difficult, that's why I say false holiness, false love, false preaching, supposed piety; Political agents are what they are and are the worst kind of politics that does not serve good, emphasized Murillo.
