A father guilty of sexual contact with a 12 year old minor

A father guilty of sexual contact with a 12-year-old minor –

A father who made headlines on the JE Show a decade ago was found guilty on Wednesday of sexual contact with a 12-year-old minor who was a family friend.

• Also read: Already pursued by “JE”, a suspected pedophile arrested in Longueuil

We first heard about Ahcene Ramdane Pasha in 2014 as part of a report by colleague Denis Thériault on the JE Show.

The facts established by JE at the time are disturbing: Ramdame Pacha, who was sentenced to a year in the community for child pornography in the early 2000s and later received a judicial pardon, was in JE's private daycare center alongside children, according to JE's findings his sister, with whom he worked closely.

A few years after JE's report, in 2020, Longueuil police arrested Ahcene Ramdane Pasha, this time for sexual contact with a 12-year-old boy.

Wednesday afternoon was the day of the verdict in this case. The judge believed the victim who testified during the trial. Within a short period of time, Ahcene Ramdane Pasha had sexual contact with the boy three times in 2019 and 2020 in his house and in a public place where there was an indoor swimming pool. The man offered the young victim massages, but the defendant's hands quickly slid over the boy's body, touching his private parts against his will.

The court heard that meetings with a witness and CCTV footage in a public place helped police build their case.

“There were seemingly banal acts that developed into criminal acts,” explains Me Anne Gauvin.

We come to the judgment phase. Ahcene Ramdane Pasha will return to court on April 5 to begin the judgment submission process.