Viih Tube responds to Yasmin Brunet and Wanessa39s comments about

Viih Tube responds to Yasmin Brunet and Wanessa's comments about her missing shower on “BBB”

Viih TubeReproduction/Instagram

Published on January 11, 2024 09:11 | Updated on January 11, 2024 09:37

Rio Viih Tube, 23 years old, took to social media this Thursday to respond to comments from Yasmin Brunet and Wanessa Camargo that referred to her not bathing during her time on “BBB”. The influencer shared a video in which the two sisters explained that after joining the reality show, they understood their reasons for escaping the shower. Photo gallery   Reproduction/Instagram


“It's terrible!” said Viih, laughing at the interaction between the artists. In the recording, the blondes admit that they hate showering and retract their judgments towards the influencer.

“I hate showering here. I only take a shower because we are being filmed,” admitted Yasmin Brunet. “Me too, now I understand Viih Tube,” Wanessa said with a laugh. “Now I understand you, Viih Tube. Why did I ever judge you in my life? If I ever called you a pig, I can't remember. It’s very bad to shower in a bikini,” said Luiza Brunet’s daughter.
