Chiara Ferragni and Pandoro Gate: This is how she can (maybe) overcome…

For many she became Chiara “Fregagnez”. The entrepreneur who is being investigated for serious fraud involving fake charity for children has (or almost) disappeared from her social networks. As he waits for the storm to pass, his defense reorganizes

The day after. On Wednesday December 15th, the (not very) royal Italian family, the Ferragnez, suddenly becomes Truffagnez to the general public. Or Furbagnez for the sympathizers. What happened? The digital entrepreneur Chiara Ferragni is overwhelmed by the Pandoro goal: in 2022 she promoted the sale of the Balocco by suggesting that by purchasing this candy she would contribute to helping the children of the Regina Margherita Hospital in Turin. But on this day, the 15th, a statement from the Competition and Markets Authority (Antitrust) confirms that this is not true. And he reveals that Chiara lied. It turns out that Balocco had already paid 50,000 euros to Regina Margherita six months before hiring Ferragni, and that she had carried out this campaign for money: a million euros to lend her face and her channels. – Photo | Video

Chiara Ferragni, the 100 million empire is in danger of collapsing. And Selvaggia Lucarelli doesn’t let up – look

CHARITY? NO – Nothing good since he didn't donate a single cent. And that's not all: the cartel office explains that the amount of Pandoros sold at the increased price of 9 euros had no influence on the amount donated to the hospital. And he fined the businesswoman one million euros and Balocco 420,000 euros. In the meantime, an investigation file was opened by the Milan public prosecutor's office.
Is the fairy tale over? Those who believed in the glamor of a millionaire's life, achieved with the sweat of likes and amazing marketing skills, no longer see Chiara as the embodiment of possible dreams. The idol contained in the formula “Beauty-Wealth-Happiness-Love” becomes “Wanna Marchi 2.0”. However, the worst happens on December 19th. Ferragni publishes an apology video on his profile (view) in which he presents himself as resigned and suffering, promising Regina Margherita a million euros and more transparent business processes in the future. From a communication point of view, it's a disaster: It's not credible, everything seems to be well thought out and shaky excuses aren't enough, and neither is money. Making fun of sick children is priceless, forgiveness cannot be bought. “Cinepandoro” is defined as a video.
“Fregagnez,” she is addressed in the comments.

Chiara Ferragni, after Pandoros and Easter eggs, also doubts Trudi dolls – look

Doubts about the other initiatives too – This is even more true when the advertising that Ferragni promoted for the Dolci Preziosi Easter eggs is also under scrutiny, an action similar to that of Pandoro (and those of many influencers…). She disappears from social media until December 31st, skips the vacation in the mountains and leaves the house twice, in the photos we show you and in the park with the children. Those who have contact with her describe her as “destroyed.” Her husband Fedez, after venting in a kinky video (albeit real) in which he defends his wife, stays silent and withdraws from a game that is not his: after a few days, he begins daily glimpses in the video to post life with his children, in slippers in the park with Paloma, Golden's puppy. Chiara never shows up, the order to withdraw falls on the entire family involved in the company, i.e. the influencer's mother and sisters. The avalanche falls from above and the valley is still far away: the outcome is difficult to predict. Safilo is the first to terminate the license agreement for the production and distribution of Ferragni glasses, but contracts with other brands are also at risk and the domino effect is just around the corner. Because Ferragni may be the mother who seems funny with her children, the woman who goes to the therapist with her husband, the girl who tricked us into thinking we were participating in her life, but she is not just a fashion blogger: she is the director of an empire, almost a multinational corporation, crunching important numbers.

Matteo Salvini (like Fabio Fazio) surprisingly: “Too much malice against Chiara Ferragni” – watch out

ENTREPRENEUR OF A MULTINATIONAL COMPANY – The entrepreneur is active in the fashion business with Fenice Srl, runs digital marketing consultancy through Tbs Crew Srl (has clients such as Procter & Gamble) and has a third company, Sisterhood: in 2022 they generated sales of 33.3 million. He has been on the board of Tod's since 2021. One of his posts on Instagram costs up to 100,000 euros, but the contracts concluded for the Christmas period, the most profitable, have been canceled. What happens to the agreements with Pantene, Nespresso, Morellato, Pigna, Mofra, Nanan?

(Smiling) Decline in followers – If you say it to yourself through your face and make a brand out of it, that face can destroy you. If you call yourself a benefactor, an iniquity can bury you. For the first time, Ferragni recorded a decline in followers, 70,000 in five days, nothing compared to the over 29 million he puts on the table when he closes a deal (data that should be analyzed: it seems that 20 million inactive followers are). But it's a symptom.

Chiara Ferragni is officially under investigation for serious fraud: “I am calm, I have trust in the justice system” – watch out

THE BEGINNING OF THE END (FOR INFLUENCERS)? – “The crisis that Ferragni is experiencing takes us into unknown territory: it is the first fall of the gods from the Olympus of influencers.” It is interesting to see that there are no untouchables anymore. Academically, we talk about “diffuse editorial power”: everyone creates content, putting themselves almost on the same level as even high-ranking influencers, and this means that everyone can contribute to harming that influencer with posts, tweets, comments and stories. It will be interesting to understand how developments will develop,” explains Giampaolo Colletti, Professor of Business Communication at Iulm, to Radio 24.

Chiara Ferragni is simply a mother: the new strategy to get out of trouble does not save her from losing her contract – look

They also cheat on their children – A strategy is needed to get back to the abyss of shame. The chosen tactic for now is that of the submarine (very bad according to experts), that is, to continue invisibly and silently with a few trips to the surface: Chiara's decision to reappear on New Year's Eve from Fedez's profile in a video in which she letting their kids think it was midnight and 9pm instead was a bad idea. A harmless deception, again aimed at children, which was widely criticized. The words “forbidden” (look) have now appeared at the entrance to his boutique in Rome.
The entrepreneur has hired a task force: two law firms, Gianni Origoni and Marcello Bana. And then the communications agency community expert for web reputation. The first test is just around the corner: Pitti Uomo from January 9th and then Fashion Week first in Milan and then in Paris in February. Will Ferragni be there?

Chiara Ferragni is simply a mother: the new strategy to get out of trouble does not save her from losing her contract – look

The internet is unforgiving – Anyone who deals with social media is sure: the web does not forgive, but rather quickly forgets. Giorgio Tedeschi, professor of communication and crisis management at the Ca' Foscari and 24Ore business schools, consultant to many companies, from Ilva to Sorgenia, has his own recipe: “Ferragni must rebuild his image by developing a content plan that suits his Promise corresponds.” Transparency. It should take advantage of a highly visible opportunity to present itself to the public, I'm thinking of the Sanremo Festival. If he were to reach an agreement with Amadeus, both would win: one because of the ratings, the other because of the opportunity to talk about his move.

Chiara Ferragni reappears in a video, the comments are merciless – look

A NEW OFFER FOR YOU – But talking won’t be enough. “On this stage you should present yourself as a person who from now on focuses everything on openness: you must have started a program of concrete and immediate initiatives and document them every day.” Instead of posting children and clothes, she must show that “She is the woman who is being interviewed today,” explains Tedeschi. “The problem is that the moment he admitted his mistakes, others came to light. I think she made two mistakes in the video: she addressed her audience but didn't talk to her investors, she didn't seem like a manager capable of managing the crisis, but more like a person , who is dominated by a situation that she does not know how to deal with. She only focused on the emotional relationship with those who followed her. We can assume that he agrees on a program with his sponsors but does not communicate it. In crisis situations, speed of reaction and transparency are essential.” Perhaps that’s why Ferragni’s team has already launched a super action plan. AAA, miracle agency wanted.

Cristina Rogledi