Weekly Horoscope Readings for Each Zodiac Sign: December 14th – 20th January – The Cut

Weekly Horoscope Readings for Each Zodiac Sign December 14th

Every Sunday, Claire Comstock-Gay reads the stars as Madame Clairevoyant and shares the weekly horoscope for each zodiac sign.

Yara Shahidi, an Aquarius. Photo: from The Cut; Photos: Getty Images

Both the Sun and Pluto spend most of this week traveling through the final degrees of Capricorn. Then, on Saturday morning, the sun enters bright, eccentric Aquarius. Think of the coming month as a time to experiment with different ways of expressing yourself. Where the serious Capricorn season encouraged you to stay true to tradition, Aquarius now invites innovative thinking and even dreaming to create something completely original. On Saturday evening, Pluto, planet of transformation and rebirth, connects with the Sun in the idealistic sign of Water Bearer. Pluto is the slowest moving planet, spending up to 30 years in each sign. So if there's a new one, it's a big deal. His entry into Aquarius marks a major cultural shift, an opportunity to break away from systems that no longer work and attempt to build new ones. In the meantime, find the weekly horoscope for each zodiac sign below.

Some people are overly cautious, but not you. They tend to pounce. You rush headlong into relationships, agree to help friends before they've even told you what they need, and go on journeys without even looking at a map. Your boldness is a wonderful quality and it prevents you from being stuck in one place for too long. However, this week, take more time and energy to think about your plans. If you are patient and considerate, it will serve you well down the line.

Letting other people see your authentic self – not the mask you wear in public, not the idealized version of yourself you would like to embody, but the real you – can be unbearable. You've been feeling particularly vulnerable lately. You'd rather hide than risk letting someone in, even if it means being lonely. However, this week you will find it easier to open up. Your supposed flaws are not as serious as you portrayed them to be. Some of these are not defects at all; They are part of the unique structure of your personality. Dont worry so much. You feel like it's difficult to love you, but that's not true.

Sometimes it's best to play it safe and prioritize stability. This week, however, you'll likely be left cold as you make the simple, expected decisions. Yes, security is valuable, but you also want excitement in life. So take a calculated risk or two. Get out there. Take a principled stance, the consequences don't matter. Don't let the fear of failure stop you from doing what feels right.

You have a wild feeling right now that anything is possible. You could quit your job on a whim, relocate and move across the world, or end long-term relationships and start a new one tomorrow. Not that you should do any of that. But there is freedom in knowing that if you had to change your life, you could. You're in the driver's seat. You are never stuck. This week is not the time to make a change just for the sake of it, but if you know what you want, why wait?

This week it feels like everyone wants to push you around, tell you what to do, or put you under their spell. It's annoying to say the least. You don't want to be drawn into someone else's vision; You are busy enough with your own life and ambitions. Your stubborn side is activated when you fend off people who want to impose their priorities on you. Be careful not to dismiss good-faith feedback, but when it comes to those who would take advantage, don't be afraid to stand firm.

Everywhere you go, people are selling tricks and tools that they swear will improve your life, from exercise routines to skin care products to planners. The noise is so loud that you have to worry about falling behind or missing something. Don’t be fooled this week. Commit to the routines that work for you, not the ones others try to sell you. There is room to grow if change is what you want. Just make sure you do it on your own terms. Try new things if they stimulate your imagination.

You've been living in your head, your brain working overtime coming up with new ideas, analyzing every emotion and exchange, or imagining whole new worlds. The problem is that it's easy to get stuck there. It's hard to keep everything organized and even harder to agree on a plan of action. The best thing you can do is find someone to talk to about it. You may not find all the answers yourself; You will have more success with a friend.

Lately you've been feeling like you're out of sync with the people around you. Maybe your friends are reaching milestones—buying a house, starting a family—that you don't want to pursue. Maybe they'll move away while you stay there. When you watch your loved ones take paths that differ from yours, it's hard not to wonder if you're making a mistake. This week, remember that you don't have to want the same things that other people do, even the people closest to you. It takes courage to follow your own path in life, but if you trust your instincts, you won't regret it.

It's important to know when to take life seriously: when to stop fooling around and devote yourself to the task at hand, when to stop joking and acknowledge what's at stake. But it's just as important to know when to do the opposite. Sometimes the best course of action is to let your weird, goofy side take over and explore all options (even the most outlandish ones) rather than resorting to the most conventional path. It's not your job to be objective this week. Allow yourself to play.

You've carried a heavy burden for so long that it feels natural. You get used to a certain level of exhaustion. This week you may finally notice some weight lifting. The daily grind will be less strenuous. Friends offer support rather than demanding it from you. You will even feel it physically, in your body. You can finally have the freedom to experiment, surprise yourself and make mistakes. The stakes are not that high. Nobody expects you to carry the whole world on your shoulders. Readjust your expectations.

It can sometimes seem like the only way to be popular or successful is to hide all the qualities that make you different – the ones that make you human. Trying to appeal to other people's sensibilities, following trends, and hiding the unique aspects of your personality makes life easier. At least that's what you told yourself. This week the Universe will remind you that hiding does more harm than good. To attract people who truly understand you and to live a fulfilling life, you have to face yourself, complications and all.

You are not afraid of change. You accept it as a part of life, as natural as breathing. Still, you were exhausted by the speed of change that had been taking place around you lately, by the changes you had experienced and witnessed. It just keeps coming and never seems to let up, and you struggle to keep your balance. If you can, take time to rest this week. You need a break, a moment to process. The world is no longer the same as it was last month or last year, and neither are you. Give your brain and heart a chance to catch up.

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Read the weekly horoscopes for the week of January 7th. The weekly horoscopes for the week of January 21st will be online next Sunday.

Buy Claire Comstock-Gay's book “Madame Clairevoyant's Guide to the Stars” here.