1705258462 Mediaset argument ended very badly brawl between two familiar faces

Mediaset, argument ended very badly: brawl between two familiar faces | Pathetic scene in the studio that drives Pier Silvio crazy Tendediviaggio

Mediaset, the dispute has a hard and sad epilogue. There is talk of a fight between two very familiar faces.

There is no peace for Pier Silvio Berlusconi and for his very well-coordinated work team. After a lot was achieved in the summer changes, can be defined as real in certain cases and for good reasons revolutions, now there are many problems to solve. Certainly that Big Brother in this direction is once again at the top of the list.

In fact, in the first episode of the season, which aired in prime time on Canale 5 on Monday, September 11, 2023, there was constant talk about the meaning of respect Now it's getting less and less. Certainly not many people have demonstrated and tried it out in the last few days Competitorswhich are called from this year Rentertowards Beatrice Luzzi who lost his father.

Definitely after receiving a tone scolded by Alfonso Signorini, the charismatic host of the father of all reality shows, got off scot-free. Yes, There was no disqualification not even through televoting, as was assumed. At that point it was huge the outrage many spectators.

Mediaset, the argument ends very badly, in a fight

And now the game, because that is how it should be seen, has not taken place since that moment a shocking decline in stock levels. However, it is not just the girlfriend that worries the wonderful girl's historical partner Silvia Toffanin. In fact, there is also another program that gives him a lot of thoughts since it is there too The sounds sometimes get a bit too loud.

And here too at the beginning of the season, during the very first episodesA change was noticed. It's a shame, as many users on social media point out, that it only lasted a very short time, as it started again shortly afterwards endless arguments between the various protagonists. And now one he almost got into a fight. He reveals it to us Lorenzo Pugnaloni.

Terrible brawl in MediasetAlessandro vs. Armando travel trends

Men and women, sparks fly between Armando and Alessandro

This happened in the studio at men and women. Two knights argued so much. Let's talk about the fascinating ones Alessandro Vicinanza and Armando Incarnato that were never frowned upon. After she left the dating show, everyone was stunned, including the beautiful Maria De Filippi herself Roberta of Padua it suddenly came back.

And then the pieces started flying. Among other things, she also attacked the lady Cristina, whom she accused of being unfaithful to her. The latter preferred, among other things, Platano's ex to Incarnato, who was, however, considered her own the handsome Guarnieri, he plays the role of the undecided inner.

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