1705292428 The smell of failure

The smell of failure

The smell of failure

Mónica Cervera, this very nice and peculiar actress who was once famous and disappeared from the scene a few years ago, lives in a bank in Marbella. Since Semana published the news, there have been several media outlets that have – in clear terms – almost harassed the former interpreter in her very difficult everyday life. The Fiesta show sent a hairless reporter to show us the exact place where Mónica spends her life. “This is the bench I would sleep and eat on…come on, Monica would live on this bench.”

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The reporter was forced to fill almost four minutes with chatter and nervousness because Mónica, with very good judgment, did not want to go live. However, they secretly recorded it to give us some harsh statements. “You were without me for 15 years. And suddenly, now you're interested in me? About what?”. Several people had previously spoken about it on the show who had never exchanged a word with her. I imagine that the people who treated her did not want to make statements because they had heart and level-headedness .

The case of Mónica Cervera attracts our attention because she was once famous and now sleeps on a bench. Fame, strange as it may seem, is not necessarily associated with money. There are, there were and there will be celebrities who earn less than 6,000 euros a year. There are, there have been and there will be famous people who one day, after touching the sky, will live on the streets. It smells like failure. It gives off a stench that everyone stays away from. And if one more problem is added, we have a recipe for disaster. I'm sure that these days, when there's so much talk about Mónica Cervera, actors are trying to get a journalist to do a feature about their play or short film. But until they sleep on a bench, they won't be news.

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