Gaza humanitarian trucks attacked Attack in Israel at least one

Gaza, humanitarian trucks attacked. Attack in Israel, at least one dead News ​​​​

Hundreds of Gazans were filmed storming humanitarian aid trucks in the Gaza Strip. Haaretz reported this, citing al-Jazeera, and included a video of it. The area filmed is said to be that of Moassi, on the Rafah coast in southern Gaza, where displaced people from the north are crowded together.

Video: Thousands of citizens attack aid trucks in Gaza

Attack in Raanana, at least one dead and 17 injured

Israeli police confirmed that what they called “terrorist attacks” were carried out today in Raanana, in the center of the country, an official said on television. The number of attacks – at least one car driven into pedestrians and knife attacks – so far amounts to one dead and at least 17 injured. An Israeli woman in her 70s did indeed die from her wounds, the Meir Hospital in Kfar Sab, where she was taken, confirmed. Two other Israelis, whose condition is described as serious, are being treated at the same hospital.

Police arrested two Palestinians as perpetrators of the attacks. Police Chief Yaacov Shabtai said this, adding that they were “two relatives” and both came from the Hebron area of ​​the West Bank.

“The commando operation in Raanana is a natural response to the occupation's massacres and its continued aggression against our Palestinian people.” Hamas said this on Telegram about the terrorist attack in the city in central Israel, adding that “the people's heroes from Rafah to Jenin will continue the defense of the people, the land and the holy places in the face of the criminal Nazi enemy.” “and the machine of the Zionist war in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.”

Hamas releases new video of the three Israeli hostages

Hamas has published a new video of the three hostages on Telegram, which was shown for the first time yesterday. In this current film, the faces of Noa Argamani, Yossi Sharabi and Itay Svirsky move like they do in slot machine games. And they are accompanied by the words “What do you think?” Still alive? All dead? or Some are alive, some are dead?” And immediately afterwards, Hamas claims: “Tonight we will inform you of their fate.”

Biden: “We will not stop working to free the hostages”

“I will never forget the pain and suffering I felt during my meetings with the families of the American hostages,” he explained US President Joe Biden in a statement 100 days after October 7, quoted by the Times of Israel. America is still working to bring home “more than 100 innocent people, including at least six Americans, who are still being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza,” the US president continued. “I reiterate my promise to all hostages and their families: We are with you. We will never stop working to bring Americans home,” Biden said.

“One hundred days of captivity in Gaza is far too much. “The United States will not rest until all remaining hostages, including six Americans, are reunited with their loved ones,” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken wrote in X, echoing an earlier statement by President Joe Biden.

Video The family's anger against Bibi is growing, Biden is “frustrated”

Wafa: Dozens dead in nighttime bombings, including children

Dozens of people, including women and children, were killed last night in heavy Israeli bombing in Gaza City, Khan Yunis (in the southern part of the Gaza Strip) and the nearby el-Bureij refugee camp. The official Palestinian news agency Wafa updates it. A Red Crescent spokesman, Wafa added, described the situation as “catastrophic”. The Hamas Ministry of Health announces a new death toll of 24,100.

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