Taylor Swift is expected to save Joe Biden in 2024

Taylor Swift is expected to save Joe Biden in 2024

As I mentioned it recentlyTo defeat Trump a second time in 2024, Joe Biden will have to mobilize his supporters and everyone who doesn't want to see the Godfather of Mar-a-Lago in the White House again.

With approval ratings low and enthusiasm for his candidacy lacking, the president desperately needs inspirational personalities at his side.

Although he already knows that Oprah Winfrey and Barack Obama will be there, he is also aware that their influence is limited to a constituency that we fear will not vote: young people.

“Swiftonomics”: Numbers that make you dizzy

At least one source claimed last June that if Taylor Swift were an economy, it would be larger than the economies of about fifty countries!

  • Listen to the American political column with Professor Luc Laliberté about QUB :

Swifties spend an average of $1,300 per show and 71% of those who invest this amount believe this price is justified! Better yet, 91% of all these beautiful people intend to repeat the experience!

And what adds value for a politician like Biden: A Taylor Swift show is not just an affair for teenagers or very young adults, but a family event. More than 50% of the population is between 35 and 68 years old and less than 5% of participants are not old enough to vote.

If you add to these indicators the “Swift mania”, in which more than 50% of Americans consider themselves Swifties, and the enthusiasm of the 272 million followers of the singer's Instagram account, you get an unprecedented influencer with whom we want to be associated.

Biden must seize his opportunity

Celebrity involvement in presidential campaigns is not a new phenomenon. I don't normally like it, but the Taylor Swift effect is phenomenal.

European Commission Vice President Margaritis Schinas has already made an appeal to the Shake It Off singer to mobilize young voters: “No one can mobilize youth better than young people.” No one else could have such influence.

Is Taylor Swift interested in politics? Does it make sense for his “brand” to enter the arena? So far she has been more reserved, limiting herself to supporting opponents of Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, whom she called “Trump in the wig.”

Despite her discretion on the campaign trail, Swift supports progressive causes such as the rights of the LGBTQ+ minority in her songs. Which earned him the label “brainlessly progressive” from some conservatives.

Whatever the connection between the outgoing president and the megastar, Democratic strategists must forge an alliance. Even if we manage to convert only a small percentage of all Swifties, the margin between victory and defeat in 2024 will be small.

Biden and Taylor Swift? Every vote counts!