Title of 39oldest dog ever39 Bobi stripped amid investigation

Title of 'oldest dog ever' Bobi stripped amid investigation – CNN

Luis Boza/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

Bobi died in October 2023.


The “oldest dog ever” Bobi, who reportedly died in October at the age of 31, has temporarily lost his title as Guinness World Records (GWR) investigates his age, a spokesperson for the company told CNN on Tuesday.

“While our review is ongoing, we have decided to temporarily suspend the two record titles for oldest living dog and at all until all of our results are received,” the spokesman said.

Bobi's age had initially been confirmed by the Serviço Medico-Veterinário do Município de Leiria (Leiria Municipality Veterinary Medical Service), which said he had been registered in 1992, while SIAC, a pet database authorized by the Portuguese government, confirmed GWR's announcement of the record in February.

He was reportedly 31 years and 165 days old when he died in October.

However, shortly after Bobi's death, suspicions arose about the evidence that supposedly proved his true age.

A spokesperson told CNN on Tuesday that formal review by GWR occurs when a record title is challenged. This includes analyzing existing evidence, searching for new evidence and contacting experts and those associated with the original application.

Jorge Jeronimo/AP

Bobi poses for a photo with his owner Leonel Costa and his Guinness World Records certificates for oldest dog in May 2023.

Bobi's owner Leonel Costa, who said he was 8 years old when his dog was born in 1992, told GWR in February that the dog's extraordinary age had many secrets.

Bobi always roamed freely without a leash or chain, lived in a “quiet, peaceful” environment and ate human food soaked in water to remove spices, Costa said.

According to Costa, he was a purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo – a breed of livestock guard dogs. According to the American Kennel Club, Rafeiro do Alentejos have a life expectancy of about 12 to 14 years.

Bobi spent his entire life in Conqueiros, a small Portuguese village about 150 kilometers north of the capital Lisbon, and often wandered around with cats.

The previous record holder for oldest living dog and oldest dog ever was Australian cattle dog Bluey, who was born in 1910 and lived to 29 years and five months.